The Daily Meditation 1.12.2014
Loving the Original Source
Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister
There is One Perfect Life – The Life. The Life from which all else emanates. This Life contemplates itself and whole universes are born. This Life contemplates itself and all other life forms are born in perfect blessing, in perfect good.
I am born of this Perfect Life’s Contemplation. It had a thought and I was manifested in perfection, in wholeness, in completion. As I know this for me, I know this for every single person who reads or intuits this prayer. Each of us is the Life Force born of its own self-knowingness.
As Perfect Life is conscious of itself through me, I am conscious of my own life. Since this is so, I confidently affirm and declare goodness so real and pure that it moves right through my life straightening all the crooked places and blessing everything it knows – and it knows everything.
I accept this blessing in the most profound way, and I give thanks. I am so grateful for every blessing known and unknown, and I am so grateful for all people whom I love, have loved, and will love. Love is the most simple gratitude and blessing.
Knowing I am loved, blessed, and happy, I simply release these words into the Law and know it is done.
And So It Is!
Rev Martha Quintana is Senior Minister at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
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