Humanity – The fact or Quality of being Human.

Being human means that we have flaws.  Some can be corrected, and then there’s those that the individual may not want to correct.  It has become a habit.  Some habits are hard to break, but need to be broken.

There are 2 lessons inside today’s video that can dramatically help your home business!


Never Allow Yourself To Lose Faith In Humanity


There are some very good leaders out there with a word in season for your business.  There are several who do have a tendency to use curse words.  We will not name names, and they do it sometimes in jest, sometimes because of habit, but the fact is, they do it.

Don’t shut yourself off to learning from a person who is successful because they say a curse word.  I do not condone curse words, but if the person has information that you need in order to succeed, Listen to them.  Clean out your ears later.  You are shooting yourself in the foot, if you totally block them out.

Thinking wrong, believing wrong and confessing wrong always leads to an unhappy, mediocre and uncomfortable life.  Sometimes you have to agree to disagree.

The successful person is the one who will do what the average person will not do.  Average is no more than being at the top of the bottom.

Humanity is evolving, and not always for the better.  Let us do the right thing and go out there and make it better, without the curse words.

Your growth potential, return on your investment, will reward you in the proportion of your efforts.  Your personal independence is limited only by your vision, desire and actions.  This alone has already made you above average.

Always remember this: The Humanity of Being a servant won’t make you famous–JUST RICH.

If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

To Your Success,


Angela Valadez




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  • Thank you Angela.  So true what you wrote and habits are very hard to break.... well the bad ones are lol.   I have shared it and I hope many people will gain from this.

    Have a wonderful day. 

  • Thanks Merle.  Have an awesome day!

  • Great post Angela and an excellent read.

  • Thank you all for your comments and shares.  Appreciate you all.  Have a blessed day.

  • Top Blogger


    This is an excellent post. I agree you don't have to agree with all that someone does or says to learn from them. 

    Good one!


  • "The successful person is the one who will do what the average person will not do." What a great motivator that is.  Great post, Angela!

  • Top Member

    Brilliant post Angela. I agree with what you are saying in this post. Shared on Google +, Linkedin and tweeted. Have a great day and keep writing such informative blog post. I look forward to reading them.

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