"Nothing But The Truth" is the 25th in my 2022 series of articles which are based on my real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories.
My hope is that in them you find joy and inspiration.
“I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth … “, so goes the swearing in oath of witnesses in criminal court proceedings. In most instances those giving evidence probably do relate the truth to the best of their ability and recollection. But the criminal justice system sets a high bar with regard to honesty.
In day to day life it can be far harder to exercise scrupulous honesty in all that you say and do. That's not to say you shouldn't try to maintain an impeccable standard of integrity in your personal and business life. Being honest with yourself is mandatory. All manner of good flows from that.
Yet truth, as it is expressed in all its forms around you, can be subject to perception, interpretation and distortion; unwitting, intentional or a confusing mix. So it's well to understand just what constitutes 'truth' in all its guises and to have a strategy as to how you confront the vagaries of its manifestation in the world.
For most of you your primary concern regarding truth is likely to relates to facts and opinions. Particularly those expressed by family, friends, colleagues or in forums, groups, politics and the media. The critical point regarding these is to first understand that all statements of fact or opinion are provisional. With the best of intention they reflect only the current state of knowledge and experience as recognised by the individual or entity in question. In that respect, little is absolute.
Knowledge and experience are not closed nor immutable categories. They are inherently liable to change. As an honest individual, or as an entrepreneur, you should know this and keep an open and questioning mind. One prepared to investigate options, accept different views and create alternatives.
A prime example of conventional truth being shown to be anything but, from the grand stage of human experience, is that once upon a time, the scientific consensus was that the sun moved around the Earth and that blood did not circulate around the body. These propositions were refuted only because the orthodoxy was challenged by people once thought to be dangerous heretics. Knowledge advances by confronting contrary arguments, not by hiding them away.
Any system for regulating the expression of opinion or the transmission of information inevitably ends up by championing the uncontroversial and privileging the conventional and the officially approved. Censorship is not good for truth. You need to hear all views. Then you can consider and determine your own truths.
You have to accept the implications of human curiosity. Some of what people say will be mistaken. Some might be propaganda. Some of it may be malicious. But you cannot discover truth without accommodating error. It is the price that you pay for allowing knowledge and understanding to develop and human civilisation to progress. The alternative is a regression to dark, oppressive times where uniformity is demanded and enforced through fear, terror and the repression of free spirit, thought and expression.
Facing up to truth and your right to express your thoughts and opinions without fear of intimidation is fundamental to your right to exist. Start by being honest with yourself. It can require strong will and character to do so but the pay-off is a handsome one. You sleep easy, gain in self-confidence and can earn the respect of others – even those who may disgree with your 'truths'.
Imagine yourself as being in that court of law, being sworn in as a witness. Promise to tell yourself the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the best of your ability. Allow others to do likewise. Let all express their views. Then let the jury of your conscience weigh up the 'truths' and determine the outcomes.
I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.
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'NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

You summed it up nicely in your post "Promise to tell yourself the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the best of your ability. Allow others to do likewise. Let all express their views. Then let the jury of your conscience weigh up the 'truths' and determine the outcomes."
This in turn leads to a successful life with peace and happiness. How many folks can do this, it's sad to say many folks are not honest with themself. They rather believe the lie instead of the truth.
Thanks Terri, I'm a great believer in putting yourself to the test that you intend to apply to others. When you do, it becomes easy to see through the lies and propaganda around us in the wider world.
Perfectly said Tom Riach
'Perfect' ... a dangerous word Terri :-) ... but enjoy a perfect weekend - or better!
To thine own self, be true, could not be better stated. Our long-term and short-term memories are not that accurate, especially if we are not true to ourselves. Thank you, Tom.
The big thing for a self-employed person, entrepreneur or ordinary 'Joe' George is to resist the temptation to behave as government, politicians and many celebs do. Lieing, cheating and show-boating can appear attractive to the easily-led, it may even impress a like-minded peer group but, in ordinary life, it will earns only scorn and disrespect.