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Pareto Rule. 80-20 Rule


Hi All,

Perhaps you have heard of the 80-20 Rule, also known as the Pareto Rule.  This simple rule can help you to change everything. 

The Pareto rule says that 20% of your efforts produce 80% of your results.  The lesson here is to find out what is working and to do more of it.


Here is what I find about most aspiring affiliate marketers.  They are not doing two things that they need to do BEFORE, applying this lesson.

#1:  Share your content

#2:  Track your efforts

I was guilty of not doing both!  My results when I was a newbie were pitiful!  If your results are pitiful, it is not your fault.  In my case, I did not know.

What I did not know was hurting me, perhaps it is hurting you.




When I make a post, create a website, or publish a video, I SHARE IT!


Some of the sites are YT, Blogger, Facebook (my own pages and groups), Facebook Reels, Facebook Groups (5 or more), Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, and so on (see examples below).


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When you post content, nowadays, it is easy to share.  There is often a share button that you can use.

 If you click the share button on YT, you will find 16 sites that you can instantly share your content with (see image below).  


One of the reasons why I am a member of this site, Syndication Express is because my content is 'syndicated', which means that it is shared automatically for me.  In my case, SE outperforms FB, last month SE sent twice the traffic.

The point is that sharing gets you a ton of exposure.  It is free, it is easy, and it takes little to no effort.  Share your content and be sure to post on SE.



You are not going to know what is working, if you do not track.  Tracking is also easy and quick and free.  

You can track URLs with free link shortening sites such as Bitly and Cuttly.  Both site do an outstanding job at no cost.

You can track your visitors for free as well.  Your search box can help you to find dozens of sites that are free.   If you have a WordPress site, there are free visitor tracker plugins.  Got to Plugins, Add New, type visitor tracking into the search box, choose the one you want, click install and then activate.  




The 80-20 rule should also be applied to your marketing habits.  

For example, spend 80% of your time on marketing (promoting) and 20% on creation.  

Another example is to provide help and information in at least 80% of your emails, 20% or less as sales pitches.

And, of course, when you find out what is working, spend 20% on creation of more of what is working and 80% on marketing.




Carla was driving home from church, when she saw a strange site.  Carla saw a young blond women 

rowing a small boat.  The boat, however, was in a filed. 


Carla, who happens to be a blond, felt compelled to stop.  So she did.

She had just left church, yet as soon as she got out of her car, she found herself yelling

at the blond in the boat, "You know it is blonds like you that give us blonds a bad name!"

Carla continued even louder, "You need to stop now."

"I will stop when I am ready, and you are not going to make me stop sooner" was the response.

This made Carla even angrier.  "I am about to come out there and stop you, if you do not stop now." she yelled,

"Then come on." was the reply.

"I would, and you'd regret it," began Carla,  "but I can't swim."




Do NOT join each and every social media site that you can find.  HUH?

Social media sites are social.  You are going to benefit greatly from sharing, if you interact.  If not, your posts are likely to be ignored.

Posts to the sites that you join, and be sure to interact.  Join a few at a time and add more based on your availability to ineract.  

Thanks for reading and much success.

George Pierce

PS. For more info, help and training, visit my YouTube channel, it is free.

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  • Top Member

    I have known about the 80/20 rule for quite some time now and this is what it takes to succeed online. Many people are so caught in marketing and completely forget about engagement and developing relationships with the people they're connected to on social media sites. I have many friends online and offline because I got to know them and they get know me. If people will remember the following "Know, Like and Trust", it will take your business to unbelievable heights and you'll have long lasting relationships. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I can attest to the value of 'Know, Like, and Trust'.  The bridge page is a marvelous online example whereby a 30-second video that helps new subs get to know, like, and trust you, positively has a ripple effect on CTR, sales, open rate, and future CTR.  Thanks, Terri.

  • Top Commentor

    Concentrating time and effort on the high pay-off activities (learning from this article for instance) is what smart people, blond or otherwise, do. All those intent on achieving success in internet/affiliate marketing should make you George their one-stop shop for advice and guidance. It'll help lift you toward the holy grail of 100% of effort producing 100% of results!  

    • Top Video Contributor

      I learned it as "focusing on the A's".  Initially, as a new IM, I did not track, I did not know how. What I have found is that there are some folks that naturally follow this rule, or that is the way it seems.  I have to track, but tracking tells me, for example, that SE is twice as good as FB, which is why I try to be active on SE.  Thank you, Tom.

    • Top Member

      I learned this from my mentor a long time ago, to work on me because there are skills and education you must learn. You can't jump in and expect to succeed without getting the knowledge, education and training you need first. After all knowledge is power. I always learn something new everyday and I make sure the information is something I can use and share with others. Thank you George Pierce for sharing your blog post here. I appreciate you for your valuable content in the SE community. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      So true, even when we outsource or hire skilled employees, that are more skilled than ourselves. I was taught that we must inspect what we expect (not micro-manage, more like QC).  Without knowledge, education, training, and experience, we will not know what to inspect and expect.  Thanks, Terri.  

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