Personal Goals 6 Reasons You Need Them
Do you have personal goals? Do you even feel like you need personal goals? Where do you see yourself in five years? Do you ever even think about it?
Are you one of those people that believe that life takes care of it's self? Life doesn't take care of it's self or you for that matter. You only get somewhere when you plan.
To plan you need goals so you will know how to map out a route to get where you want to be.
So, to get from Point A to Point B is...
Without personal goals you will never grow!
Six reasons you need goals
- Helps you envision your future
- Gives you motivation
- Keeps your focus on what's important
- Makes you accountable to yourself
- Help you reach your potential
- Live life to the fullest—Having goals and reaching them helps you live a much happier life.
You go through life doing all those things that others expect from you. Your boss expects you to do one thing, family another, friends something else and so on.
You move from one task to the next always hurrying but to where? I will tell you where...
This is why you need personal goals, to know where it is you want to go so you don't end up going nowhere.
Don't you think, it's time you started making you happy? You try and do the job your boss want to keep her/him happy.
You work hard at your job that you might possibly hate to pay the bills for your family. You would be shocked at how many people hate their jobs they just keep them because they have to pay bills.
Don't get me wrong here, if you are going to work a job (even one you hate) then yes, you should do the best you know how at that job.
If you are working to pay bills that's great because that's what you should do because you're taking care of your family.
I'm not questioning you on this what I am questioning you on is this; if you hate your job and want to change your life, what do you plan on doing about?
If your one of the lucky ones that love your job and I sincerely hope that is you, the question then is what can you do to advance in your business?
In this case, look at where you are in your company, envision where you would like to be, then set your goal to get there.
The advice I am giving you is universal and is not niche specific. This advice can be used for a work at home business, your job you work, losing weight, or anything you desire.
You can get my book by clicking below on the picture. This finishes out information started here on the blog.
Your mind controls if you succeed or fail, the good news is "You" control your mind!
Susan J. Boston
Skype: susanjboston
Money is not at the root of all evil but,
many times not having enough to live on is…
Hi Angela,
Thank you for reading and commenting and sharing my blog :)
Hi Judy,
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and comment :)
Good article on Personal Goals Susan. Great information delivered. Thanks for sharing. Liked and Shared.
Great information Susan. Thank you for sharing with us.