Reasons For Failure
Reasons for failure can be numerous but the number one reason is summed up in 13 words above. Read them, study them, then evaluate your work habits.
See if you are the problem.
If the problem is a bad company, or a bad product, there isn't much you can do about that other than drop them; however, if it's you there is a world of things you can do.
I have some tips for you to check out so that you can evaluate your work habits:
- Constancy
- Time management
- Goal setting
- Business plan
These are the first four things you need to check and for goodness sake be honest with yourself. If you won't who will?
Make sure you set enough time aside to do the work. This doesn't mean you have to work 24/7 on it but when you do work (what ever allotted time you have for work)...
Make sure you DO work.
Your goal setting is very important. Goal setting is much more than saying something evasive like, "I want to make a million dollars" Narrow that down in increments that are attainable.
"My first year I want to make and extra 4,000 dollars."
This keeps you from disappointment which leads to failure. Then as you progress you can become more aggressive with your goals.
For more tips on succeeding get this free book!
Be sure the one thing you continue to do is keep the knowledge flowing you must always be learning.
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Susan J Boston
Skype: susanjboston
Great information Susan. Motivational and Inspiring. So true about no success will work until you do. Liked and Shared.