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Should You Pay People's Way Into Opportunities?



8362839867?profile=RESIZE_192XMy own opinion would be no...and I'll tell you why.

First let me say, I think there are circumstances where I would help someone out if they truly needed it. But if you have a good product it will sell itself.

When you have something that people need or want they will get it. And you can educate them on your product or service, they will buy...period.   

It's actually no different than visiting a restaurant, shop, movie and passing along whether you had a pleasant experience or a bad one.

Attention Spans Are Low

People get frustrated easy, as well as having short attention spans.  Why would they even stay past the first month? What is their incentive? Because it more than likely they won't be making money in their first month.

Then it's goodbye to you, you go to hard-drive file 13.

As long as you are offering something of value, you will get sign ups, sales and referrals. The name of the game is to build relationships.  This will take more time but the benefits will be well worth it. 

You get a good knowledge of your product/service then you convey the benefits through various venues such as, email marketing, social networking, joining forums.  Also joining sites like Syndication Express, and other venues, writing valuable content, establishing yourself as an expert. 

This gives people the chance to get to know, like and trust you. They will learn how your product or service can be a solution for their problem or their reaching their goal.  

You will also be building a team of like minded people. People who will stick around for the long haul. Because they are serious about starting and building a business.


But that's just my opinion, others may have a different take it on it. If so please comment.


I wish everyone a safe and happy New Year!


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Robin Robinson, I am an Affiliate marketer & resources.

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    • Top Commentor

      Thank you Valerie, I appreciate your reading and commenting. 

    • Top Member

      That's great to hear. I believe we can learn so much from each other. I have a saying "Listen, Live and Learn in the now." 


  • Top Member

    Great subject and advice for people on building a business. It's great to see your post in the SE community. Hope you're doing great?

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you Terri.  It's great to have a place like SE to post content.  I also hope you're doing great, always!

    • Top Member

      I'm doing great my sister. We have to speak on the phone soon. Have a great day and much success for you.

    • Top Commentor

      I'm happy to hear things are great with you Terri!  Yes we do have to talk real soon, before the New Year. 

    • Top Member

      Okay I will hold you to that. I'll call you this evening. 

  • Top Commentor

    Good thoughts Robin, and important for team builders. Encouraging free-loaders is never a good idea.

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you for your comment Tom.  If they can't come up with the small $5, $10 or $20 upstart cost, they're definitely not going to sustain monthly payments.   

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