This Truth Is Universal

The Daily Meditation 07.02.2013

This Truth Is Universal

Glenn Buckland, RScP


I have my Being in God as part of the One perfected Life.  There is only One thing occurring and that is the expression of Gods life through each of us.  This life is complete in every way.  This life encompasses all the options for health, happiness, forgiveness, abundance, kindness and Love.  These are eternal qualities of God and show up in every experience.

These are the characteristics of my life that occur through my consciousness.  God happens through me and you.  There is no part of my individual life that is not a part of God.  There is no escaping this as every breath I take is God breathing life into life.  And because this is true for me it is also true for you, and everyone.  This Truth is Universal.

And so it is in this moment that nothing is by accident and everything originates in Love and a desire to travel home to the Source of all our good.  Everything comes from and returns to God and each individual Life expresses a Perfect thought and action of the Divine.  I am never separate from my Source and I am never off the path.  I bless every moment, every breath, conversation, encounter and action of this and every day as it is only Good.  I unfold daily in a deeper understanding of my relationship to the cosmos and I embrace the Truth of me.

My gratitude runs deep as I recognize my support from the Universe for my perfect journey.  I am grateful for this experience and every person in it.  Thank you life.

Knowing my word delvers the truth of my experience,  I release any attachment or need into the Law resting well in the comfort that thy will be done.  My word creates my world in absolute perfection.

And so it is.

 Glenn Buckland is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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