Be worthy of self-endorsement. So, first and foremost, have integrity. The definition of integrity is: steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. Honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, generosity, service minded, helpful; these are some of the values that should be displayed in your behavior.
If you are like me, you totally believe in being a person of integrity. You feel a moral duty to yourself, your family and friends and to your community. So, it stands to reason that your dreams would be a reflection of you.
The more I read and think about my dream, the more I know that I’ve got to be specific in my visualizations. I’ve got to have more than my target in mind. Having the wealth and fulfillment of the dream is the end, but how I got there is very important to me as well. As I progressed toward my dream did I have integrity?
One of the ways I can become clear is to:
1. Accept what has already happened. There have been times that things did not go my way. And there will be times in the future when they won’t either even as I endeavor to be true to myself. Trials and tribulations will come, but it is how I cope with these negatives that will determine my happiness level. And being happy, able to keep positive is totally in my hands.
You know from experience that the more you resist something which has already happened, the more you become unhappy. When something unwanted or bad comes your way, try to believe that it has already happened. That it is over. Then let it marinate in your mind, but only for a little while. Allow yourself the chance to ponder how this seeming misfortune can help you become a bigger and much better person.
2. Transform the negative into a positive as soon as possible. Learn the lesson and state it as a positive to yourself. It is exactly as the law of attraction dictates – what you think about, or radiate, you will most definitely receive. Consequently, when you dwell on all the negatives that have befallen you and react badly, your negative energy will attract more negativity your way! It is now that is important. Now, that you know what you need to do, now that you have learned a lesson. Now.
What is the answer? Make an effort to put an optimistic spin on everything – instead of considering something as an obstacle or a difficulty think of it as an opportunity for change or for growth. When you view all things in a good light, more positivity will arrive in abundance. Remember, the price you pay for learning a lesson is the ability to change. You have paid for the ability to readjust your thinking. When you learn it, you get the benefit of it in better character and a ability to act with integrity.
3. Learn a valuable lesson. Every single moment in life presents you with the opportunity for change; an opportunity to grow, learn and be whoever you feel like being. It is for this exact reason that you should try not to take any obstacles that come your way too seriously – learn to roll with the punches. No, I’m not saying excuse yourself of all and every responsibility. But, when you have done something you cannot be proud of, when you have seen yourself, really looked and recognized you do not like yourself in that light – make the decision to change from that course of action. Do it right then. You know that you are not ‘always’ dishonest, or ‘always’ thoughtless. But, you did act in a way that has consequences, so you have to make a change from that course to one of integrity so that you can look yourself in the eyes in the mirror, and sleep at night.
In every challenge that you ever face there will be a lesson that you can take away with you. It is recognizing and keeping these lessons that empower you and allow you to move forward from your negative experience and become a much better person.
When you discover that you have not acted with integrity, correct yourself immediately. If your action has affected someone else, make whatever atonement you can sincerely. Part of that atonement is learning the lesson and never making that mistake again. Be the better you, be the person of integrity you want to be. Just BE.
Bessie Mathis
Integrity, endorsement, worthy, atonement, correct, change, lesson
Nice to be read by such appreciative people like you, Ann Mose, Christine Smith Forsythe and Dustin Grant. See you all at your posts. Thank you all for your attention.
Great post Bessie, Very intelligent and though-provoking subject matter. Keep them coming.
Awesome post you have got it right on the money.
Carolyn, I've loved that verse, too. We do battle to keep integrity and be ethical. Training our conscious and honing our intentions pays off. your experience proved that. Merle and Anna being in connection with you is valuable to me. We get told to be around successful people if we want success. You are successful and ethical. The people here are 'the best'.
Excellent post! At an engineering job where I was very tempted to lie to a customer to please my boss, the verse of the day said to do your work as for God. I needed that encouragement to resist telling that lie, and later temptations lost some of their power too. Integrity is easy to lose and difficult to regain. I'm glad you're here to remind me of these things.
As Terri has said, you have nailed it Bessie. Brilliant post and thanks for sharing.
Bessie, I absolutely love this post. Integrity is very important. This is a post that many should read. Will share!!
Terry, I think it's the spirit of your site. That gives me an idea. Dr. F thank you for inviting me and giving the support that you do. I'm honored.
Oh my goodness Bessie you have nailed it my dear. This is an awesome post and I applaud you lady. I have shared this for many more to see. Keep up the great writing.