"Why Risk Asking The 3 Big Questions?" is the thirtieth in my 2022 series of articles based on my real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories.
My hope is that in them you find joy and inspiration.
The question, 'Why Risk Asking The 3 Big Questions?' begs the questions, 'What Are The 3 Big Questions?' and 'Where Does Risk Come Into It?' Good questions. Let me explain.
I am a risk-taker by nature. I've taken risks of breath-taking extravagance in my life. Outrageous risks which, quite frankly, would confound and dismay most folks.
In my youth I was headstrong and 'up for' whatever madcap escapades, and worse, were in the offing. That was risk-taking just for the sake of it.
Later, in early business years, I still took monumental risks - but for a purpose. These inevitably entailed the possibility of substantial loss – financial, repute and physical – and often did result in abject failure. But many did bear fruit.
Nowadays, and for many years past, I continue to take risks that the majority of people would consider to be of reckless proportions. Yet, and here's the good bit, I mostly don't taken any risks at all!
The answer is that I learned to precede any potentially risky actions by asking myself 'the 3 big questions' -
Am I healthy?
Am I happy?
Will my proposed action CERTAINLY impact positively on either my health or my happiness?
Let's analyse, very simply, what I've just stated. The questions and the process of evaluation is, in fact, very simple. It's in its absolute simplicity that the profound effectiveness of 'the 3 big questions' principle lies.
First, assume that you have perfect health. Why do anything which in any way could adversely affect it? Answer – don't!
Second, assume that you have perfect happiness. Why do anything which in any way could adversely affect it? Answer – don't!
And there's your answer to question three. Never do anything which is liable to damage your existing conditions of good health or inner happiness. As your happiness is, in the first instance, dependent on good bodily health, then your physical and spiritual well-beings are inter-related.
Where your physical or mental health is less than perfect and will certainly be improved by your proposed action, or where your proposed action will in no way impinge on your good health and happiness, then any 'risk' is justified – by me at least!
So the huge risks others perceive me to be taking in my life and business are anything but. I only embark on those 'high risk' actions which are not high risk to me at all. It's like having the dice always loaded in my favour. Nothing I do puts in jeopardy my good health or my overall happiness. My every risk is a certain winner!
That is why I always 'Risk Asking The 3 Big Questions'. So too should you.
I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.
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'WHY RISK ASKING THE 3 BIG QUESTIONS' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
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See you there! Regards, Tom.

This is flawless logic and perfect advice, thank you, Tom. You seem to see farther and see more clearly than many, I enjoyed this.
A good pair of spectacles helps a lot George :-) ... but nothing to the 'un'-education I received from my multi-millionaire farmer mentor (and later friend) who I refer to in my books. Out of school at fourteen and running his farming business on nothing more than his native wit, his unswerving ability to instantly pinpoint the heart of apparently complex matters, and to sum them up in just a couple of words, and act accordingly, was worth more than any formal education, business training or swank university degrees. I model who I am, much of what I've done and continue to teach on his template for success. It's warming to know that it shows.
Loved it so much. You nailed it and thank you for posting today.
Thank you for providing the platform Terri. The only risk of posting here is that content will receive widespread exposure to multiple markets. A happy and healthy guaranteed outcome!
This is why I started SE to give bloggers, article writers and authors exposure and traffic generation for their content. It's working great so far.