You Are This Limitless Love


The Daily Meditation 07.23.2013

You Are This Limitless Love

Ardy Reed, RScP

RGCSL-Photo-AR.jpg?width=109There is One Power, and that Power is filled with Perfect Grace, Amazing Power, and Limitless Love.

I am completely enveloped by it, I am it, I feel it, and know it.  In the center of my being, I have this perfect grace, this amazing power, and this limitless love.  And just as I know this is true for me, I also know this is true for you.  You are this perfect grace! You are this amazing power! You are this limitless love!

In realizing this truth, I see that every circumstance we encounter that this amazing grace pours through every experience! I see this truth in every moment today. I also see this power infuse it’s limitless love into every situation we face in the day and shines a beacon of light wherever we go.

I give great thanks for this amazing power within our lives and the beacon of light we shine upon the world! I am so grateful for you and the gifts you bring into this wonderful day!

I release my word knowing it is here in this very moment!
And so it is!
Ardy Reed is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, New Mexico


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