Your Network Is Your Networth
The social side of you is the most important asset you can have in your portfolio. This is your ability to cultivate and curate an authentic network of personal and professional relationships, both offline and online.
When marketing online you have to focus on relationship building. Not just spamming your links to people. Get to know them and get them to know, like and trust you. By sharing interest and value you are more like to bring in the highest ROI (return of interest). By utilizing your network fully and fruitfully is going to take a lot of effort and practice. You must brand yourself and have a willingness to give in order to get back.
The above book Your Network Is Your Net Worth includes case studies, advice and information on how to increase your social activities. The book provides vital information on how to network the right way and is focused on fun ways as well. By following the advice for finding lasting connections, you will be able to increase your happiness and productivity which equals more success all around.This book shows you how to establish, expand, and nurture your connections both online and offline.Your Network Is Your Net Worth so unlock the hidden power of connections for wealth, success and happiness.Networking doesn’t have to be old school any more where you had your calender chocker block with meetings and appointments. In this new era of technology this can all be done from the comfort of your own home with webinars, hangouts and Skype, enabling you to be more focused and efficient, making it an enjoyable way to do your business.Years ago networking was all about power but now it is about following your dreams and passions. You have to have the right mindset and believe in yourself.When you focus on your passions and reorganize your networking around your values and beliefs you will discover the kind of lasting relationships you can have. Personal transformation and ultimately the wealth that are the foundation for happiness and success. If you enjoyed reading this post I would appreciate your feedback so please share, tweet, google+ and comment. Thank you
Thank you Angela and yes that is what I thought. Sounds good.
Great PR Merle. Sounds like a really interesting and must read book: "Your Network is Your Net Worth." Thanks for sharing. Liked and Shared.