Hi All! I am George Pierce. In this post I will be sharing 9 affiliate linking tips to help you get more click-throughs, more sales, and more income.
1. Align your affiliates with your audience. The first step in content creation is to research your target audience. You will discover what they 'need' or 'desire'. Build your content and your affiliates around your research.
2. Focus on quality content. When your visitors find great content, helpful information, and value, you build trust.
3. Make it natural. Do your best to make visiting your affiliates a perfectly natural next step.
4. Be Transparent. Label Ads with the word advertisement, and let your visitors know your post contains affiliate links. If they purchase through these links, you may earn a small commission at no extra cost to them.
5. Optimize Placement. Links are more likely to get clicks nearer the top of your content. An old newspaper term is 'above the fold'. Place ads where they will be seen.
6. Use more than one method for links.Above is an example of a 'button' which you can find for free at sites such as Pixabay and then use Paint to ad your text. When you make things natural, a button with the word 'continue' is most effective. Embed your affiliate link in buttons, also any affliate images or related images, and text. Give your visitor more than one way to click your affiliate link. For example, I use an affiliate called 'Java Burn', so almost every ad that I create has a coffee cup image and that iimage is embedded with a link to Jave Burn.
7. Test, Tweak, Track. Make changes and compare results. For link tracking, you can use UTM codes or different dentifiers.
Tracking was of little importance or value to me when I first started out..."I will worry about that later!" was my attitude, just let me focus on making sales. Of course, I was wrong. When I finally began making sales, I had no clue as to what was working...becuase I failed to track my links. Be it Amazon affiliate links, Clickbank links, CJ links, etc...Track your links.
8. Do not overdo it. Too many links and affiliates will hurt your results.
9. Benefit! Keep in mind that your visitors are more likely to click for a benefit. When presenting affiliates, think of 'features and benefits' and pt your focus on benefits.
Thank you for rading.
Much success,
George Pierce
PS. I invite you to visit my YT training channel for more free make money online training.
PPS. Set your links to open in a new window. If you use an HTML editor, click on your image and then 'advanced' and then 'target' and then "blank'.
Although I prefer making the ad a clickable link, buttons work. Both are being used successfully. It is real hard to test if you don't know where your buyers are finding you.
I have only ever seen one internet marketer with many ads who was successful. His site was a lot like going to a flea market. You had to search to find what you were looking for. He did make it interesting. This was years ago, and since people have changed in their expectations.
Today people search for information so they can make an informed buying decision. Ads on websites only work if the information shows them the value of what is offered.
The only way you will find two cupcakes in my hands is if I am passing one or both off to someone else. My idea of a balanced diet is a steak in one hand and a salad in the other.
I have always been within my height to weight ratio. Once at the very limit, and when I was I felt fat. After I got away from Amish cooking my weight dropped.
Your last sentence says it all. Most newbies fish with no bait and wonder why they do not catch anything. Thank you, Dennis.
I am assuming by the last sentence you were referring to this, "Ads on websites only work if the information shows them the value of what is offered."
Absolutely. I believe that our visitors want to click, and it is our job to let them know why they should, thanks, Dennis.
Actually the only time they want to click is if you have given them enough information of value about the product or service.
Since they want to make an informed decision, you must inform them before they even consider clicking.