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Dennis Thorgesen commented on George Pierce's blog post Before You Respond To A YouTube Strike, Do This
"I found it smart to listen to what George says. Believe me you don't want to go through what I did before I met George. You would honestly be surprised at what damage can be done to your finances with only your phone number and a recording of your…"
9 hours ago
Dennis Thorgesen liked George Pierce's blog post Before You Respond To A YouTube Strike, Do This
9 hours ago
Dennis Thorgesen commented on George Pierce's video
"Ice cream for me is near frozen watermelon. There are a few people like me who just can't handle dairy products. In the past few years I have eaten a little ice cream. Sadly, I always pay for it with my short term health. This doesn't stop me from…"
9 hours ago
Dennis Thorgesen liked George Pierce's video
9 hours ago
Dennis Thorgesen posted a video
6 Reasons Why Good Marketing is Timeless - part 5.Most people are insecure: They buy to feel better.Most people appear to long for some sense of security, an...
9 hours ago
Dennis Thorgesen commented on George Pierce's blog post 90/10 Video Formula
"In the end, especially with shorts it is all about moving the person from the video to where you want them to go. With shorts if there is no value, there is no reason for a person to want to know more. "
Dennis Thorgesen liked John Cory Jackson's blog post How To Avoid A Side Hustle That Feels Like A Second Job
Dennis Thorgesen commented on John Cory Jackson's blog post How To Avoid A Side Hustle That Feels Like A Second Job
"When you are doing what you love it never feels like work. I will grant there is a lot to starting a business, and some parts you will most likely not like. As soon as possible let others who love doing that part do it, paid for with what you are…"
Dennis Thorgesen liked George Pierce's blog post 90/10 Video Formula
Dennis Thorgesen commented on George Pierce's blog post 90/10 Video Formula
"Watching this and reading your comment below has me questioning our approach. Our goal has never been to get people to like or subscribe to our channel. Our call to action is to get people to the website where they can learn more. We only use…"
Dennis Thorgesen commented on George Pierce's blog post FUNNY as a Niche?
"Life including business should be simple and fun. This shows you how to use both thoughts to your advantage. "
Dennis Thorgesen posted a video
6 Reasons Why Good Marketing is Timeless - part 4.Leverage the 4 basic human needs.Humans have four basic needs – to eat, to sleep, intimacy (the nature of w...
Dennis Thorgesen commented on George Pierce's video
"As always a lot of value. "
Dennis Thorgesen posted a video
6 Reasons Why Good Marketing is Timeless - part 2.Buyers all want the same thing: Health, wealth and happiness.Everything in life comes down to the pursuit o...
May 22
Dennis Thorgesen commented on Terri Pattio's video
"In a sense for some it has pivoted again. Most people also don't realize it is the second most used search engine in the world. "
May 22
Dennis Thorgesen liked Terri Pattio's video
May 22