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90/10 Video Formula


Hi!  I am George Pierce, my 90/10 formula is a simple recipe for videos, more importantly, videos that are going to get views, and videos that will generate click-throughs.  Create a short video with helpful information or humor, followed by a call to action.  

There are a gazillion tips that you can share, and many gazillion funny images, videos, stories, and jokes, that you can share in a video and follow it with a call to action and a link in the description.  

When does the time change?  Post it a couple of months before the time change. 

You will get a ton of views and clicks.  The videos that I am sharing were made with Create Studio

The software is the best, but it is not free.  The cost is $67 and you own it for life.  

This post is a kind of example of my 90/10 formula.  The formula also works on textual content.

Based on my experience, the niche does not seem to matter in video format, in other words,

you will get click-throughs, in textual format, your link should be relevant.  (my opinion)

You can create these kinds of videos for free on sites such as Renderforest and Powtoon. 

They are fast, easy, and fun.  Post them on social media sites and reap the benefits.

Thank you for watching.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  This video is unfinished, there is not yet a CTA.

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  • Top Commentor

    Watching this and reading your comment below has me questioning our approach. Our goal has never been to get people to like or subscribe to our channel. Our call to action is to get people to the website where they can learn more. We only use content and shorts to guide people to the website. There isn't enough time to do an intro with the shorts. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Most of my channels are for driving traffic, such as your videos, and the goal is traffic, not subs. Those kinds of videos are sort of like VSLs, so the CTA is what matters.  An outro could be a distraction, and on shorts, as you say, there is no time.    For growing a channel, I believe that an intro and outro can be of benefit for videos other than shorts, the best part is that we can make it once and use it over and over.  I use an intro on TT videos and shorts, I might want to rethink that.  Your videos are a great example of providing value and then a CTA.  Thank you, Dennis.  

    • Top Commentor

      In the end, especially with shorts it is all about moving the person from the video to where you want them to go. With shorts if there is no value, there is no reason for a person to want to know more. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Exactly, even if we are growing a channel, no value hurts the channel, thank you, Dennis.  

  • Top Member

    Glimpy Comics Robin Robinson Joel wolfe Anthuwin Cupido I really enjoyed this video and wanted to share it with you. I really believe this is beneficial to know.

    Thank you George Pierce for sharing this information in the SE community. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      The strategy is similar to the quote ~ link strategy, so popular on IBO, and still used.  Provide a little content that your reader or viewer will benefit from and enjoy and add a CTA, thank you, Terri.  

    • It is my humble request to guide and explain the terms used in above mentioned comment as I am a common youtuber who wants to grow her channel. Please help me to understand these strategies. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      This is a strategy that I have noticed that you are already following, which is to provide valuable content, in your case, content your viewers will enjoy.  Because of my sales background, I firmly believe in 'asking' for the sale, which online, relates to the CTA, call to action.  Relative to videos, I recommend a short intro, 5 to 10 seconds, for branding that identifies your channel, product, brand, etc.  I also recommend a CTA, such as an outro, 'asking' for a like, comment, and subscribe.  A 20-second outro works perfectly with an end card.  Thank you, GC, I hope this helps. I love your channel, much success.  

    • Soory that I took little longer to reply. I appreciate the time you took out to help me and to clear my doubts. Thank you and I am looking forward for your valuble inputs always.

    • Top Member

      Exactly and I'm remembering the good old days on IBO. I wish they were still around. I met you on there and I'm happy to know you. 

This reply was deleted.

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Terri Pattio



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