"My novels are written with the help of angels!" - JTR
Do you believe in angels? I do. Not the cherub with large wings floating in the heavens kind nor the one atop the Christmas tree but those fellow humans who protect and support us and who arrive out of the blue just when we are most in need. And there are always times of need.
As entrepreneurs it is inevitable that we experience ups and downs in our careers, good days and bad days. After all, the term entrepreneur implies that we take risks. Of course we use our experience, knowledge and wit to minimise risk and to give us an advantage - but we still fail at times. That's why it is essential to be not only firm and resolute in our behaviour, but to be kind and considerate too. Because when you do show compassion for others and act on it you are being their angel at the time when they need one. Then someone else, often a complete stranger, will in turn repay your kindness when you are most in need. A kindness given is always returned, 'though often from an unlikely source or entirely different direction than to where originally gifted.
It is important therefore to be on the look out for your angels. You may not recognise them at first as they come in many guises. But if you miss them, through misplaced pride, ignorance or cynicism then your chance for redemption may be gone.
My novels (featured in the headline image) and all my other books would not exist had it not been for the support of angels at various points in my life. On several occasions I created 'disasters' from which I barely recovered and perhaps didn't deserve to. But unexpected assistance arrived at critical moments, pulled me from the brink and drove me on to greater achievement. Those experiences, and the angels involved, feature regularly as the content of my books and always inspire the writing of them.
So stay alert. Your angel may appear as the friend or relative you've neglected these many years or as the guy from across the road you've always (probably for no real reason) disliked and who you assumed disliked you. Your angel will often materialise as a total stranger or one whose appearance or character at first does not appeal to you or they may come to you as a neighbour, acquaintance, business colleague, employer or work mate. But rest assured - your angel(s) will come.
When they do, welcome them, encourage and nurture them. Surround yourself with them. There are few things in life more important than to know your angels. Help them as you wish to be helped. Act kind, words alone are not enough. Angel is as angel does!
Merry Christmas!
I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.
Read both of my best-selling novels and get $25 BACK on the price of your purchases when you Click on the image below.
'ANGEL IS AS ANGEL DOES' is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this presentation and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

Your closing words seem to sum it up: ACT KIND. Our actions speak louder. I enjoyed your post as always, thank you, Tom.
I'm the kind of guy naturally disinclined to ask for help George yet I've received it in abundance over the years, always from the most improbable sources and inevitably just when I most needed it. How could I not believe in my angels and reciprocate when called upon?