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Are You A Grinder?


Hello ALL! I am George Pierce, this post is about being what may be called a 'grinder'. 

Urban Dictionary defines a grinder as a sub sandwich, also as

"1. Someone staying on top of their sh*t. (ie. making money, accomplishing goals, getting an education, career, etc.)"

We are all told that we must choose our niche based on what we like or love.  If you want a chance at online or offline success, take this advice seriously.  Theoretically, when you love what you do, your work becomes play.  In addition, you cannot wait to get to your online or offline venture.  There is certainly truth to this statement...


There will be obstacles and setbacks, and there can also be redundancy.  If you are not a grinder type person, working from home is probably NOT a good choice.  If you are a "grinder', what are you waiting for?!!


Above is a snapshot of one of my recent online adventures that I began this year. I am purposely doing everything for free, to prove this can be done for free. I happen to love vintage media, and I found that others love it as well. I discovered a way I can upload vintage media to YouTube as a way to make money on YT and not have to make videos.  This process is insanely easy and, as you can see, it works.  

The part that they do not tell us, is that even when we engage in something that works, it only works if we WORK

In addition, virtually EVERYTHING on the Internet is based on a cumulative effect.  The cumulative effect is a marvelous strategy that you and I can use online, even as newbies.  The catch is that we MUST be consistent, in other words, we must be a 'grinder'.

If you are a grinder, take advantage of it, and consider working from home. 

Being the boss is sweet.  

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS. The above adventure is my adaptation of what is called Faceless Videos, as mentioned, a way to work from home by making money on YT but not having to make videos or spend any money.  My adaptation only has three steps which I have laid out in detail.  I invite you to take a look by watching my Faceless Video Training.


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  • Top Member

    I'm that grinder and love what I do. It's rewarding when you know that what you're doing will help others. I like being a grinder. Thank you George Pierce for this post and giving people some good advice, which you always do. 


    • Top Video Contributor

      I am aware firsthand of all the work you do to help SE members, and I am aware that for my Internet Marketer Training channel, SE outperforms all others including FB, thank you, Terri.

    • Top Member

      Thank you George Pierce for that glowing testimony. Your feedback about SE is appreciated so people will know how valuable SE is for them. 

  • Top Commentor

    You're right George, being the boss is sweet. I can barely imagine working any other way. I'm reminded of the oft used expression - ' the daily grind of work' - applied usually in reference to working for a boss at something you don't like. In that respect, doing what you love and under your own management does demand relentless determination but a 'grind' it is not - it's sheer pleasure! As is reading this illuminating piece.

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