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Be Sure To Use TAGS For Your YT Video!


Hi All!  George Pierce, here.  This post is about the importance of using tags for your video and a tag secret.  Tags on YT are similar to keywords which are the words that people will use to find your video.  Tags help the search engines know what your video is about.  On the big established channels. I do not believe that tags are quite as important but on a NEW SMALL channel, tags are essential.  It would help if you had every edge and every advantage when you are getting started.  Tags will help your channel get the exposure that it needs.  

The above snapshot gives us an overview of how viewers are finding the video.  The channel is still new, its first view was a little less than 10 weeks ago.

The following is a snapshot of the tags for the video.  The green boxes are thanks to TubeBuddy, which is a free set of tools and more, to help you with your channel.  Any tag with a green box is on PAGE ONE of YT Search.  


The amount of views that were acquired by YT search (snapshot at top) was almost 22% which is about 1200 views!  The bulk of the views, however, have been from suggested videos (47% ~ snapshot at top).  In other words, almost 2700 views were from suggested videos, thanks to tags.


Add your tags to your description!  I was fortunate to learn this right away.  I compared videos with similar content and the one with tags in its content typically got more views.  So, also include your tags in your description.  In addition, choose one or more of your top tags and include them in your title! 

Top tags in your title help your videos and your channel in two ways.  The tags that are in your title are going to strongly affect your chances of being a suggested video and your tags also tell your prospective viewers what they can expect when they watch your video.  This helps to get views and to keep your viewers watching. 

Give your channel and edge with tags, starting today.

Thank you for watching.

Much Success,

George Pierce


Tags, YouTube Tags, Tags on YouTube,

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  • Top Commentor

    I haven't started using YouTube for marketing yet.  But when I do I will be well ahead of the curve from what I'm learning from your training George, which is awesome.  About that age creeping up on you, that's the cold hard fact of it.  I was looking at old photographes the other day, I just can't believed how fast the time passed.  

  • Thank for sharing this awesome and much needed information.  I hear you about the old age.

    • Top Video Contributor

      I was slow to embrace YT, I intend to be very slow about embracing old age. thank you, Angela.

    • Top Commentor

      Yes George, good point. Keeping the mind active with new things, internet technology for example, is a deterrent to thinking and experiencing aging. Regarding your article, the content is rich and your diligence in producing it and your almost daily offerings, amply demonstrates your youthful attitude. That is a lesson in itself.

    • Top Video Contributor

      Thank you, Tom.  What is nice is that I get to apply what I know or think I know, to a new venue, when it works, I get the enjoyment, when it does not I get the thrill of learning. It is a win-win.  

  • Top Member

    This is great information to know with excellent advice too. Yes Tubebuddy is a wonderful tool for Youtubers. 

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