These days it is hard to keep healthy, especially with folks staying home and eating lots of (toxic) Junk Food :-(
Add lack of exercise and fresh air, and the lack of emotional wellness because we cannot hug our family or friends or visit with them, our body's take a toll and start to loose whatever "wellness" we had before this ghastly ordeal.
Most folks start getting "mystery" symptoms they never had before and don't know what they are.
ALL Dis- Ease lives in the gut and Intestines, my friends. When our colonies of "good critters" start to die off, our body's start to wither and "get sick.
Take a look at this chart and you might be amazed to recognize some of YOUR own body's symptoms, simply caused by leaky gut.
Preventing this condition does NOT require lots of toxic medicines form a Physician. Most of us (hopefully) are already taking Pro and Pre Biotics which will help to strenghten our gut. Did you know there is another class of "biotics" called BUTYRATE which helps create and maintain wellness in your own Gut, which, is also called your Microbiome.
If you recognize yourself or someone you love, and, would like some more information please feel free to contact me @ 512.472.2604 CST for an always free and confidential conversation. Alternatively you may visit and then contact me too get your questions answered.
Remember, keeping YOUR MicroBiome healthy you need to drink plenty of fresh water, exercise, keep emotionally healthy, eat a healthy assortment of foods and Create and Maintain wellness in Your Gut :-)
Very informative RS. Health and wellness do start from the inside out. When you don't take heed to what you put in your body, you will get sick and deterioate. This article is nice little guide to get started taking care of your health starting with the inside.
Thank you Robin fory our comments. Most folks know when they have a wellness challenge and they might even recognize when a solution is offered. I have found that most people will NOT act on that solution because they aare so used to "being sick" that they get scared of how they might have to live without health chalenges! In other words, they do not want to give up being able to "kvetch" about their illnesses :-(
A nice write up RS which should interest all readers. Yes, our gut determines many factors in our general health which we wouldn't consider it to. I like the illustrations - pictures always work for me!
Thank you Tom and yes, I agree about the pictures. I was a teacher for many years and people "learn" all different ways but ALWAYS respond to a picture :-) In my 50 + years of Natural Remedy Experience I am amazed that Most folks do not realize that our GUT determines our general Wellness. If we mis-treat it our body does not thrive :-)
This is very beneficial and informative. Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this subject RS.
Terri, I am grateful that you find this information valuable and hope other readers will benefit from it too! RS