Eleven ways to use AI to improve marketing
Time managment
As a business owner you want your marketing to take as little time as possible. Time is considered currency. You want to save as much as you can as long as the rewards are there.
Value per dollars spent
In all your marketing you want as much value for dollar spent as possible. For what is provided with AI, what you spend is well worth it. Quite a few companies aren't spending anything, however don't get to use as much as is available.
Does Lisech market strategy consulting use AI?
Why would this post exist if we didn't? We have been using it since we found value in it. It has simplified many of the processes we use for marketing. Yes, we believe it should be part of your marketing arsenol.
What you must remember
Although AI is considered a valuable tool, a tool is all it is. As of yet it can't understand a brands voice or tone. Your voice and tone must be added to content, advertising, Search engine optimization, and considered for social media posts.
Can it really do everything?
It can help with almost everything you do, at this point though it can't do it all. AI is learning at a fast rate so in the future will it? This is yet to be seen.
Now on to the 11 ways AI can help you.
I agree. Just a couple of years ago or so, I was not a fan of AI, but I have not only changed my tune, I use AI for content creation, video creation, SEO, Keywords, Market analysis, Competition Analysis, Social Media content creation and posting, and more. AI is a time saver and some AI is worthy of investing in. AI does not do it all, and I think that lots of people and companies think that it does do it all. Thank you, Dennis.
I was not a fan of AI either until very recently. There is a lot more it can do now than it could even 3 months ago. At this point it can't be looked like as a replacement for the human mind. It is important to remember people buy people before they buy from them. AI is not people, so you have to add you to the mix. The biggest issue with AI is it doesn't indivualaize the one using it. This you have to do yourself.