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Email Sign Up Form Made Easy!


Hi ALL!  I am George Pierce, this post is meant to help you understand how to create a sign-up.  Creating this form seems to baffle almost everyone.  Part of the process is a link to a confirmation page and another link to the success page.  Since most of us do not know what a confirmation page is, or what a success page is, we do not know what to do, so many of us make one of two mistakes. 

#1: We do not create a sign-up form...a HUGE mistake.

#2: We use the 'standard option'...still a mistake.

Our autoresponder software will do most of the work for us, so all we need to do is to fill in a few easy details.  As you are about to see, the details are easy, once you understand them.

A Confirmation Page!???


A confirmation page is the page you want to send your new subscribers...almost new subscribers, after they give you their email address and hit the button that says submit or join or continue, etc.  When I say, almost a subscriber,  I am referring to what is called "double opt-in", which requires that your new almost subscriber confirms their email address (and gives you permission to send them emails).  I STRONGLY suggest that you use the double opt-in method rather than a single opt-in.  It helps to cover your backside, should you ever incur a SPAM complaint... a place you do not want to be. In addition to adding a layer of protection, double opt-in also does you another big favor.  It helps you to build a 'quality' list with subscribers that are interested in what you have to offer, so your emails are more likely to get opened, and get read, which also means more click-throughs, more sales, and more revenue. 

Confirmation Page Ingredients!??

Let your new almost subscriber know... (as you see above)

  • Congrats! 
  • What they signed up for.
  • To CONFIRM their email address.
  • Contact information.

Also Recommended  (put this on your confirmation page or in a video)

  • An Introduction (introduce yourself and/or your company or brand)
  • A thank you 
  • Email sender name (who they will receive emails from)
  • what they can expect to receive in your emails
  • 12630743695?profile=RESIZE_584x
  • WHITELIST instructions
  • BONUS!  (Add a surprise bonus, it will help with getting more almost subs to confirm, as well as improve open rates.
  • Humor

The above image is a continuation (scrolling down) of the confirmation page.  


Whitelisting is letting your new sub know how to get 12630744286?profile=RESIZE_710xyour emails into their INBOX, and not into their SPAM box. Above is an example.  

You can find examples of whitelisting instructions using your search box.  

Be sure to spin the content or put the instructions into your own words.

Free PLR sites are a great source of bonuses, giveaways, and incentives.  

The above bonus is free from PLR Database. 


Success Page!???

Above is a partial snapshot of a success page. This is the page that your new subs will be sent to when they confirm their address.  

Success page ingredients should include an acknowledgment that they have successfully joined, become a member, subscribed, etc.  Also, let your new subs know that another email has been sent which includes important details, and/or their gift, their membership, etc.  (Send email #1 with details, instructions, gift, etc. IMMEDIATELY after they confirm).  On the success page, include sending them to SPAM if they do not see your next email in their Inbox, identify the sender again, include contact info, and whitelisting instructions again.  



All this, may seem like overkill, I disagree.   It is important to give yourself every advantage and since your emails are going to be loaded with valuable, helpful, and useful information, you are doing your new subs a favor as well. 

You can also add another 'surprise gift' (optional) in email #1, which means that you can mention it on your success page...For example, We are so excited that you joined us, we have included a surprise gift in your next email.  It has already been delivered, so be sure to open it.

Anything you or I can do or think of, that might help improve our email results is worth trying.  What you are seeing above is an accumulation of trying this and that.  

FYI: Once you create your Confirmation and Success pages, you can use them as templates for future pages, saving you time.

Adding the URLS to your autoresponder is easy.


 Above is a snapshot of an AIOP email campaign, I have been a happy user for years.  AIOP is a complete marketing platform with everything you need along with an unlimited autoresponder, including training at the best price on the Internet.  All this email info will work with any autoresponder, free or paid.  In the snapshot above, you have a place for your Signup URL and your Opt-in URL. 

Create and upload your Confirmation and Success upload with AIOP go to your AIOP cpanel, and then file manager and Public HTML  May I suggest you create a folder for 'page' or 'pages', then click on that folder and upload.  This helps with organization, finding things, and page loading speed. 


How To Access the URLs for the pages.

If you are new, this is how to find the URLs for your web pages. A URL is the online address for a web page.  It is ultimately a path.  HUH?  The URL will begin with your website name. The path begins there, next...  If you add a folder named pages,  the next step along the path is pages which is forward slash plages  /pages.  The next step on the path in our example is the name of the page such as confirm or success which will be forward slash confirm... /confirm followed by dot HTML which is short for Hyper-Text Mark Up Language.    

Yourwebsitenameincluding the dot com, dot io, etc then forward slash pages slash confirm




An easy way to find your page name is to go to the page in your file manager, right-click on the page, and hit Rename.  Do not rename, but simply copy the name and paste it with a forward slash in front, paste it after pages.   Ie.  website/pages/thank-you-page.html  

One other piece of info that you will need for your campaign is an email address... a 'from' address.  An address that is 'from' your website has more perceived value than a Gmail address, for example.  

Setting up a website email address is easy and fast.


Go to your cPanel, this time click on email accounts, and then click on create. 

You will be taken to a page like the one above.

Simply type in the name of the address you want, such as admin, sales, service, members, etc.

Enter a new password, then hit create.  

Your new email 'from' address will be created, such as support@yourwebsiteaddress.  


Name your Campaign, fill in your 'from' email address, and your sign-up URL (confirmation page), and your Opt-in URL (success page), and save.  


An email list is the backbone of any online endeavor, so congratulations.  Take your time, and follow the steps, the first time you do this may take a while, but that is OK.  Learning it right and doing it right the first time, will yield dividends later.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  I invite you to visit my YT channel for more free make-money online training.

PPS.  An email list will increase your revenue 400%!


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  • Top Commentor

    Thank you George, for the detailed tutorial.  I use LeadsLeap for email marketing.  But I want to ask, do you create all your capture and confirmation pages on your site?  I really like the creativtiy you can use when creating on Wordpress as opposed to being through your Autoresponder service. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Yes, not all but most, and then add the code.  I think it is preferred for the sake of headers, footers, and navigation.  However,  if my prospect is an ice-cold prospect, then I do not want distractions (a sales page mindset).  In that case, you can still use your website editor or LL, but I prefer an HTML editor, inserting 'boxes' and boxes inside boxes, I end up creating a blank template, and then filling it in.  The editor is faster for me, and then I upload the page to File Manager.  A trick for adding code that helps me is to type something like zzzzzzz about 20 or more, where I want the sign-up placed, then copy the code, go to Source, find the zzzz and paste over them.  Thank you, Robin.

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you for this reply George.  It does seem you can spread your creative wings using the editor.  And you even have more freedom on storing images and other files you want to use.  I also appreciate the tip about the using a more simple page for ice, cold leads. 

  • Top Commentor

    A wealth of information indeed. I think this helps in making people feel welcome and a part of something. Awesome post! 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I dragged my feet when it came to list building.  I had some great EXCUSES!  The bottom line is that I did not have a clue.  I do not let that stop me anymore, but I believe that many online adventures are missing out, I hope this post will help change that, thank you, John.

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you again George,  You answred another question for me.  I've seen people join opportunities and end up with 200 sign-ups and a number of sales.  And I'm scratching my head thinking, how are they able to do that?  Then the answer...they have a List!  I've seen it written over and over,  in your training build your list, build your list.  I now know it's imperative to success.  

  • Top Video Contributor

    This post-GREW!  Once I started this post, I chose to do my best to include a lot of the little but important details  You know you should have a list, this post will truly help you.  It is easier than you think.  

This reply was deleted.

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