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Extreme Weather - Can the Bible Help You to Cope?


Are you one of the millions who have been affected by extreme weather? Dangerous weather and its damaging effects come in many forms. Hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones, and tornadoes often cause storm surges, flooding, or wind damage. Heavy rain may trigger landslides, and storms can bring lightning strikes that start destructive wildfires. Droughts, heat waves, and winter storms can be equally devastating.

 In many areas of the world, catastrophic weather is becoming increasingly frequent and intense. “The number of people affected by disasters also continues to rise,” reports the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, “as more and more floods, storms and droughts in particular wreak havoc on lives and livelihoods, displacing millions of people each year.”

Continued reading at the link below:

Extreme Weather—Can the Bible Help You to Cope?

Terri Pattio

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Terri Pattio - Founder/Owner of Syndication Express.

Creator of TP Twitter strategy and Social Media Strategist

Owner of Winning Domains and Small Business Websites

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  • Some practical advice here as well as ideas about the origin of extreme weather.

  • Top Video Contributor

    I can relate to these changes.  I live in one of the coolest places in Western NC.  It is a cool place because it is so beautiful, it is also. literally much cooler.  It is great in the summer, we hit 80 about once every 5 years, and winters are definitely warmer, but extremes are more common and more extreme.  We recently had a three-day cold snap, one day the high was one!  Thanks, Terri.  

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