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Four Areas, To Keep From Being drowned By AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) Will Become More Common


Lets start with a few facts


  • Chat GPT has as of this posting slighly over 100 million people signed up
  • It is only of several AI services in existance
  • There are new users signing up daily
  • Chances are very high you are already using it, or will in time


What are the most important things you can do as a company owner to keep being found by search engines?

Think of AI as a tool

AI can do a lot, lets concentrate on it's shortfalls. It can only use what already exists on the internet. Although it can create unique content, it does this by taking what already exists and modifying it. Due to this duplicate content rules are too simple to miss.

Stand apart

The one thing every business must do to survive is stand out and apart from the competition. This is simpler than most people realize. Know what your audience wants and deliver it to them.

What can you do to stand apart?


  • Know your customer
  • Put yourself in the sub niche where they expect to find you
  • Be original and innovative
  • Think locally, even for international businesses



As a business owner how do you communicate with customers?



  • Are you using the same voice?
  • Does your tone remain the same?
  • Do you actually communicate with your audience?
  • What can you offer more in areas where your competition misses?



Should you use AI?

Yes as a business we use AI daily. We use it for what it does well, however we could just as easily avoid it. If speed is important to you it makes sense. 

Do we and should you depend upon it to create content?

Less than 10% of what we share comes from AI. It is used for content ideas, not much for the actual content. AI works well for gathering and sorting existing information.

Another of our articles on how AI is going to affect the future.






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