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Four Making Money Online Truths

13417763680?profile=RESIZE_584xHi All!  I am George Pierce, this post is for aspiring Internet Marketers.  I will be sharing four truths about making money online! 

#1 Can you really get started for free? 

#2 Is making money online possible?

#3 What is best way to get started?

#4 What is the best advice for success?


If you want to make money online as an IM, YTer, infuencer, affiliate marketer, etc. and you do not want to spend money, free is possible.  The above logo is an example of "FREE".  It was created at a site called Canva.  The bakground image, however, was from Pixabay.  Most free options are a free trial.  After the trial, free is no longer available.  If free is an issue, not a problem, but stay away from free trials.  Your other free option is a limited version.  The free version of Canva is awesome, it totally over-delivers, but it is limited.  What you will find on Canva is that, on occcasion, to get what you want, will require upgrading (opting for the paid version).  In the case of the logo above, all the "good' background images were NOT free.  There are free sites such as Pixabay and Pexels with Millions of free photos and videos and more.  I found the background image that I wanted, downloaded it, then uploaded it to Canva and added it to the logo.  You can find a free version of everything you need to start an online venture, and I will share a little more (advice) later.

The above video is an example of what most make money online pursuits are GUILTY of!???

#2. Is Making Money Online Really Possible?

For most people, the answer is NO!  I know that is not what you were expecting, but I said that I would be sharing TRUTHS.  One of the truths about making money online is that only about 10% succeed.  Yes, it is possible...however, about 90 out of 100 will fail.  Most online businesses fail because they quit too soon (most fail in the first 120 days). 

Most individuals fail at making money online because of mindset.  Indivduals are often told to follow their passion, which is great advice.  The above vdieo is based following a passion.  You get to do what you love, WOW!   In most cases, however, our passion turns into a hobby rather than a business.  This problem is fixable, but most do not know it is the problem, and it never gets fixed.  

#3:  What is the best way to get started? 

 For most individuals, creating a profitable online business is a side hustle.  This is admirable, but it means that your time is limited, and there is a lot to learn and a lot to do.  Limited time, knowledge, and experience is often resolved by unscrupulous online marketers and almost every case, they are simply selling you something that will benefit them, not necessarily you.  I spend money on tools and resources for my online ventures, I am going to strongly recommend that the best way to start is FREE!   Your initial online adventure is probably not going to generate the desired or expected results, mine were pitiful.  There is a free way to speed things up, and we will get to that in the next truth, in the meantime, free is where you want to be.  


#4 What is the best advice for success?

A fellow YouTuber took almost 6 months to prepare, before starting his channel.  Of course, I cannot make any guarantess, but taking the time to do some research will help your chances.  Making money online is not for everyone, and it may or may not be right for you.  On the other hand, MMO is still a six or seven figure opportunity that anyone can learn, and can begin with zero investment.  What you do need is commitment and a never quit mindest.  The way to help insure your success and to speed your success is to learn as much as you can, as fast as you can, and do your best to learn for free.  My experience with paid online options is that 11% work, that means that I had to discover that 89% (8 out of 9) do not work.  While you are new, it is nearly impossible to tell what works and what does not work, until AFTER you purchase it.  

The idea and the name is 'make money online'.  Guess what often happens?  You try this and that and this and that (at a cost), most of which do not work.  Your make money online dream can soon turn into a spend money online dream.  Then the worst four letter word can happen, you QUIT!

By starting free and staying free until your new online biz can afford it, even if your profits are small, you are much more likely to keep going. When you are spending money, your initial meager profits will be wiped out.  You new venture is losing money!   So that four letter option, that should never be an option, is a way to cut your losses.  

Your best advice is to keep going!    Focusing on free will help you to keep going, next add learing all you can, and be patient, give yourself and your new venture time.  In my case, and I believe in most cases, your initial results are not a good indicator of what is happening.  HUH?   What you are learning needs time to manifest.  


There is no free lunch!  There are many gifted Internet marketers and YouTube 'Gurus' that sadly misrepresent online opportunities, espeially making it seem that it takes little to no time or effort to succeed online.  Yes, you can make an unimaginable income online, but you are going to have to 'earn' it.  As you gain experience, it will get easier and easier.

The Internet offers financial levers such as duplication and residual income.  Once you figure out what works, you can easily 'duplicate' it.  What you create today can earn you money today and tomorrow, and for a long time to come.  Put in the effort and take the time to learn what works and you will be rewarded. 

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS. For free make money online training, visit my YT training channel.

PPS.  My experience with online opportunities by way of Youtube is that 4% work, 24 out of 25 do NOT work!


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  • Top Commentor

    I grew up hearing quite often, "It takes money to make money." For offline businesses this remains true. Online is a horse of another color. My personal recommendation is very much like George's. Don't spend what you haven't earned online.

    Earning even a little can take up to 45 days and generally does take this long if not longer. Most people who quit do within that first 45 days. What I don't recommend is spending a lot of time doing research before starting. Something is better than nothing. Once you start, you will already know more than a person starting a business today. 

    In answer to stupid funny signs---Today I do everything I can to avoid doing my own stunts. The price for doing my own got way too high, especially those done by accident. In my case without steel and rubber I am going nowhere. 

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