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FUNNY as a Niche?


Image by freepik

Hi ALL! I am George Pierce, this post is about considering FUNNY as a niche.  The most popular content is supposed to be content that informs, educates, or entertains.  Funny as a niche would entertain.  Funny is a niche that I have been looking at for a while, in this post, I will be sharing what I have learned, perhaps it can help you.  

What does Google say?



According to Google, the most popular niche is music videos, a niche that I am in, and, even though it is the top niche, I am recommending the #2 most popular niche which is comedy, meme, or viral video. 

To be able to legally use most music videos, you will need to 'enhance' the content (Fair Use Act of 76) which takes effort and time. If you love music, then, follow your passion. 

A funny joke or story can be spun with AI or you can make changes that can turn it into 'New' content.  Changing a few words is NOT going to make it legally OK.  I use SpinRewriter which spins content so that new articles, jokes, or stories are usually over 95% unique.  Internet Archive Public Domain and Public Domain have an almost infinite supply of funny images and videos that you and I can use as our own.  


Above is a snapshot of a free tool, Keyword Explorer, a free Chome extension from TubeBuddy.  When I begin keyword research, I usually start with a phrase such as 'Funny videos'.  I know that this phrase will probably score very poorly, but I want to get an idea as to how popular this niche really is.  Then I will usually use some of the suggested keyword phrases on the right to find better-scoring phrases.   Funny Videos is a keyword phrase that surprised me, in a good way.  The fact that there are over 28 MILLION searches per month on YT alone is part of the reason for this post along with the fact that KE gives it an overall score in the GOOD range.  




Image by luis_molinero on Freepik  

Images such as the one above are available at Free Pik and Free Pik offers free editing online. Their free images will need attribution.  With a little imagination, you have viral potential.  In my case, I have already been using images such as the above with a funny line or quote and a CTA.  If this is already part of what you do, then getting a little deeper into the 'funny' niche is just a re-use of content. 

One of the secrets to your success is to give people what they want.  Zig Zigler said it best. "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want."

According to Google and TubeBuddy, an overwhelming number of people want 'FUNNY'.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  If making money online interests you, consider visiting my YT channel for free training.

PPS.  Funny in progress (under construction):  Presently, this is a private unlisted video.


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  • Top Commentor

    Life including business should be simple and fun. This shows you how to use both thoughts to your advantage. 

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