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Google Trends Secrets!


Hi Guys And Gals!  I am George Pierce, this post is about two little-known secrets about Google Trends that you are going to love!  Google Trends can help you find niches and so much more.  The advantage of knowing what is trending is that you know what people are searching for, which means you know what people want to know more about.  Above is a snapshot of what is trending now.  We will talk more about that in a moment, 

In case you are not aware, you can also use Google Trends to find the top searches in almost any category, as well as for this year, last year, and so on. For example, one of my main niches is weight loss.  Google tends can tell me what is trending as far as diet or exercise or program or equipment, and so on.  Google Trends takes the guesswork out of what to choose for content and helps you with knowing what to focus on for articles, videos, posts, ads, emails, and so forth.

 The reason why I share the snapshot is that this morning, I created a video about the earthquake today in New York that was felt in NYC. 


It so happened that the trend went from 50K searches to 5+ MILLION!  That is 5+M searches in a single day! 

You may need a Chrome Browser for maximum benefit of the next tip.  

Find your trend or topic.  Click next to the trend that you are interested just to the right as you see above.  

A little magic will happen! (see below)


Google is going to give you a list of keywords along with the top articles about that trending topic.   Google is telling us which keywords we should consider using, and just below the keywords, Google is telling us which content we should consider using for an article and/or video.  We need to spin the content or put it in our own words...Google hates duplicate content. 

Google makes it easy, and what better source for getting this kind of help than Google?

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  My friends Bubba and Jean just had a new baby, it looks so much like JEAN!


PPS.  Visit my YT channel for more help with Making Money Online.  The training is free. 

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  • Top Commentor

    Go with the flow or buck the trend? Either way, having the current information about what's hot, and what's not, is critical to success. Well presented George. PS Are you sure the photo is not of your baby self?

    • Top Video Contributor

      Google Trends can be most helpful, I think that it is underrated because it is free, thank you, Tom.  And yes, you are right about the photo. 

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