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Happy New Year! Quick AI Tip


Happy New Year!  I am George Pierce, this post is to wish you and yours a very happy and prosperous New year, along with a brief AI tip. 

The tip is the following which you can use on your website, YT channel, or both. 

Let's begin with a Happy New Year video which is free from Pixabay. 

Notice the Quiz Geeks logo (I share what I do).

Let's follow this up with some text.  And this is where the AI Tip comes in.  

I am NOT a gifted writer, but there are two free AI options that I use and recommend.

Chat GPT and Copilot. 

They are awesome!  If you are not using AI to help your efforts, check out these free options.

GPT stands for Generative pre-trained transformer, a robot that we can communicate with and uderstand. 

The benefit of ChatGPT is that it automatically saves everything, Copilot does not.

So I asked ChatGPT for a Happy New Year post for a quiz channel.

The following is what I received in a split second. 


Here what was posted:


 AI can help you and your efforts.  You will be able to save time and do a better job at ZERO cost. Give it a try.

Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful New Year!

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  For more free make money online training, visit my YT training channel.


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  • Top Commentor

    I believe it is important to remember to add yourself to what you see from either of these AI helpers. It is important to remember they are just helpers, not the entire answer. AI is seen as the words of others, and without personal input it isn't real as it relates to your company. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      You are right, thank you, Dennis.  Use AI to assist, and then modify to your needs while adding your own personal touch.  Otherwise, AI can tend to be cold and impersonal, thus hurting more than helping.  

    • Top Commentor

      All AI can do is pull from what already exists on the internet. Without making it yours you won't gain a lot. As of right now people prefer dealing with people. This is why you must take the extra time to make it your own. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      'Make It Our Own' says it all, thank you, again Dennis.

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