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HeyPiggy Review

Survey Sites Get A Bad Rap.


Survey sites often get a bad rap.


They are seen as a time-wasting activity.


Many online gurus will tell you not to waste your time with them.


But I disagree.


In all honesty, paid surveys aren't the best way to make money online.


But they aren't the worst either.


With the right mindset, you can use paid surveys to your advantage.



For instance, I use paid surveys to help me curb the cost of gas for my car, groceries, and small expenses.


I already know going in that I'm not using paid surveys to make a living off of.


Yet, I can use these small money-making sites to help battle daily costs of living.


You can do the same as well.


One of the sites I use is a site called HeyPiggy.


Let me tell you more about it below.


HeyPiggy Review


HeyPiggy is a survey site that allows you to earn more based on a level system.


The more active you are on the site, you move towards another level.


You can unlock more earning potential the higher you go on the levels.


You will NOT get rich by using this site.


But you will be able to earn a little bit of a side income in your spare time.


Check out my results as of the making of this post.



I have done several cash outs with the site and the process is simple.


You can earn from a variety of different payment methods like PayPal, direct deposit, and gift cards.


There is an app to earn from as well, though I haven't used it much.


One downside of HeyPiggy is that many surveys aren't available during the weekends.


But that is the case with most paid survey sites I use, so that is nothing out of the ordinary.


HeyPiggy does have opportunities for residents of other countries but please do your own research to see if it is legit for your region.


Join me on HeyPiggy for FREE by clicking HERE.




HeyPiggy is a paid survey site that allows for very low cashout and access to lots of earning opportunities.


You shouldn't expect to get rich using a paid survey site like HeyPiggy.


But if you have more time on your hands than money in your pocket, this site can help at least a little bit.


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God bless.

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John Jackson

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  • Top Video Contributor

    I agree that 'survey sites' get a bad rap.  Some are terrible, thus the bad reputation.  There are so many pluses about online surveys, it is easy work, and there are good sites out there, thanks for the heads up about HeyPiggy, John.

  • Top Member

    Thanks for the review about this site, and how it works. All the best John Cory Jackson 

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