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How To Create Better Ad Copy

The Right Words...


Using the right words can help you get your ads seen.


Of course, that is easy to say but much harder to do.


The truth is that your words, my words have power.



You can use that power to create momentum in your online business.


I have a formula to help you out.


Don't worry.


It's not anything complicated like the theory of relativity.


Let me share with you that formula below.


The Formula For Creating Better Ads


Here is the formula you can use, no matter your level, to help craft better ads.


This can apply to text ads, banner ads, sales pages, capture pages, and emails.


Use the A.I.D.A formula.


  • A = Attention
  • I = Interest
  • D = Desire
  • A = Action


Let me break down each one quickly.




To grab attention, you have to be smart.


This means you have to...


  • create a sense of urgency
  • be specific (point out specific facts to make a point)
  • use emotional wording (use words like struggle, fear, hunger, etc.)
  • address a pain point (a problem the reader is facing)


One of the most important, if not the most important, aspects about grabbing attention involves knowing who you are targeting in your advertising.


For instance, if you are trying to sell tennis rackets, you don't want to talk to basketball players.


You want to reach out to people who play tennis and address their needs.




Since you have grabbed attention, you need to pique their interest.


You can share a personal story sharing you have experienced the same issues your current reader is facing.


Be short, precise, and to the point.


You can also point out specific statistics that can help validate their pain points, needs, and frustrations.


Speak directly to the reader!




Ultimately, your job is to solve someone else's problem.


People want to know what is in it for them.


You want to share the benefits of the product or service you have to offer.


It is crucial to speak directly to the reader's need here!


Talk about how you want to solve the problem they have or how your service/product will make life easier for them.


You can even share the results you have gotten for others or for yourself.


A few tools you can use to help create desire...


  • customer testimonials
  • before and after pictures
  • numbers that point to success stories
  • show evidence of what happens when they DON'T take advantage of your product or service
  • provide coupons, discounts, or free consultation services to sweeten the deal




The last element to the A.I.D.A formula is to create a call to action.


You want to SPECIFICALLY tell your customers to...


  • make a call
  • click a link
  • sign up for a service
  • sign up to the email newsletter


You want to tell your reader to do a specific action where there won't be any confusion or time wasted.




A.I.D.A is a formula you can use to create better ad copy.


Again, A.I.D.A stands for attention, interest, desire, and action.


Use this formula as a guide to help you get some more leads, referrals, and momentum for your business.


Now, A.I.D.A is not the only formula to use for copywriting.


And this post is not a full guide to using the A.I.D.A formula.


This post is designed to help you get some marketing momentum going.


I hope this post helps you.


Thank you for reading and God bless.



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John Jackson

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  • Top Video Contributor

    This is the BEST formula, because it works!  It is so simple and easy to follow, yet it is powerful.  Thank you, John.

    • Top Commentor

      Yes, you are right. It is a good, simple formula to follow to boost your results. Thank you! 

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