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What is your most valuable resource? 

The reality is time. It is the one thing once spent you can never get back. Using it wisely is the most important consideration you should have when marketing your business. 

To be everywhere is going to take either your time, or the time of someone else you hire to do it for you. Is using either method to be everywhere at once worth the effort? 

What you must take into consideration is where your target market can be found in the highest numbers? Are they on every media in large enough numbers to make posting to a media worthwhile? The smartest way to invest your time is in research. When you know where your audience is then market to where they are in the greatest numbers, you will see better results. 

Syndication simplifies. It is simpler to reach an audience with syndicicated content. Sometimes you have to think outside the box. As you can see this is a press release that contains a short. Using the syndication Express platform, it will be seen by more people. The question then becomes does it have enough value to the audiences it reaches. Something that must also be factored is the time it takes to create the content, both the short video and the written word. 

Lisech Market Strategy Consulting is business to business so the short video was actually created to be used on LinkedIn. This now makes it more time effective. 


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Lisech Marketing Strategy Consulting

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  • Top Video Contributor

    Syndication is one of our best options for saving time.  Thank you, Dennis.

    • Top Commentor

      It all comes down to reaching people interested in your product or service. Syndication helps content reach more of them. 

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Terri Pattio



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