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Hi Everyone!

I am George Pierce.  This post is about a trick that you can use to LEGALLY get hard-to-find images and it is one that I have not shared before.  I usually use sites such as Pixabay and Pexels. Google can help also by searching for what you want using Google, then clicking on Tools, then on Usage Rights, and then on Creative Commons or Commercial.  When you are trying to find free-to-use images such as one of Buddy Holly, you may get one or two that you can legally use for free. 

The ones that you get are almost always going to be on Wikipedia and Wikimedia.  Wikimedia is the image department, so to speak, of Wikipedia.

I was looking for free images of Buddy Holly and Buddy Holly and the Crickets. and having very little luck. So I tried Wikimedia.  

To do that, you can go to Wikimedia and use their search box, or type into your Google search box...what you are looking for followed by 'Wikimedia images' and click on images for your search.

What you will get is going to look something like you see above.  In my case, I went from a couple of images to about 20 images.  

Allow me to add that adding words such as free or free to use to your search is NOT going to help you.  Google will serve up a lot of images, but nearly all will not be free.  If you use them illegally, you are subject to fines and even jail time.  


The images that are available through Wikimedia are free to use BUT they will need what is called attribution.  In most cases, attribution means that we need to provide a link back to the author and sometimes credit.  Wikimedia will provide us with whatever attribution that we need, such as:'ll_Be_the_Day_ad_-_Cash_Box_1957.jpg

for the image above or,_Lubbock,_TX_IMG_1641.JPG#/media/File:The_Crickets_Avenue,_Lubbock,_TX_IMG_1641.JPG

 for the image below.



In order to get the image along with the attribution, open the images that you want in another tab, then click on Open In Media Viewer below the image

and this will appear (above).  At the bottom right of the page, there are two symbols.  Click on the download symbol, choose the resolution that you desire, and download.  Be sure to click on the box below the download symbol, this will create a popup with your attribution.  Click on copy and paste it to your post or file or video, etc.

If you will make a mental note to seek out Wilimedia as a possible source for difficult-to-find images, sooner or later, you will be glad you did.

Thank you for reading.

Much success.

George Pierce

PS.  For free training, I invite you to visit my Internet Marketing Training Channel:

PPS. The Buddy Holly images were for adding to an mp3 of the first Buddy Holly and the Crickets album which is uploading now. The video should be finished in 30 minutes or so.  If you want to see the result and listen to Buddy Holly and the Crickets' first album, click here.


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  • Top Commentor

    I used to write and be ready to publish articles in 32 minutes, then have to spend up to 4 hours finding the right pictures to show in the article. Using the methods above cut my time to less than half that.

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