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One of the big new crazes is content creation.


It comes off now as more of a buzzword for a trendy side hustle idea.


But the truth is magazines, newspapers, sports journalists, movie critics and others have been creating content long before it was a trending topic on Google.


Content creation is a real thing though.


If you are looking to get into the space, it is really crowded.


However, it can work for you if you are crazy about your niche, loved by your audience, and want to express your creative self.


The one thing that all content creators, from the biggest YouTuber to the Instagram influencer, are looking for one important thing: MONETIZATION!



Money should NEVER be the primary reason you create content.


But it is an important factor.


If you are at the beginning stages at your content creation journey, one of the simple ways to monetize your content is through affiliate marketing.


Affiliate marketing is when you promote someone else's product in return for a commission, or part of the money earned from the sale.


While no business model is perfect (including affiliate marketing), it is quite a beginner friendly model to use.


A few good aspects of affiliate marketing are...


  1. You don't have to create your own product.
  2. Low barrier of entry, meaning it is easy to start.
  3. There are a diversity of products to promote.
  4. You can scale with a bigger following or more subscribers.


This will make it easy for you to be able to focus on creating quality content as opposed to creating a course or product of your own.


It will also allow you to learn the skills to create sustainable income.


If you are interested in affiliate marketing, you can click HERE to see some solid training I have used to learn more about affiliate marketing.


Hope this blog post helps you.

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John Jackson

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  • Top Video Contributor

     Affiliate marketing is a great option and a valuable skill, thank you, John.  

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