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How To Speed Up Your Results!


Hi ALL!  I am George Pierce, and this post is about how you can improve your online or offline results,

how you can start doing this immediately, and therefore shorten the time it will take you to find success.

The key to making this happen is "Give Them What They Want". 

That sounds almost too simple and easy, which is true!  HUH?

There are two problems that I ran into with this golden nugget.

#1: Value ~ I did not understand or believe in its value. 

#2: Research ~ I did not go to the trouble of finding out exactly what my prospects want, which involves research.

In my mind, I already knew what they wanted, and, as usual, I was wrong.  There are reliable ways and methods that you can use to find out what your audience wants.  When you give it to them, everything suddenly changes!


According to psychology:

Interactions are the foundation of relationships, and each moment within those interactions holds the potential to form and reinforce bonds between individuals. A pivotal moment in any communication occurs when one person has a need or desire that they wish that another individual would fulfill. This desire or need can range from something substantial, like a condiment at a dinner table, to something a lot more abstract, such as love and approval in a charming relationship.  

Individuals can share their needs in numerous ways, such as body movement, tone of voice, face, posture, and actions. While some people openly express their wants, others might do so less explicitly. The more substantial the wish, the more likely it is to be revealed slowly or to be accompanied by irrelevant details.  



When in person, asking what your prospects want is great advice, however, some of your prospects are not going to be clear about what they want.  Sometimes it is because they are having difficulty formulating their ideas, sometimes it is because they are not exactly sure what they want.

How do you give someone what they want, when they are not clear about what it is that they want?

Know your audience!   Learn as much as you can about your audience, especially about what they want or need.  This allows you to be able to help your prospect tell you what they want.

When not in person, such as being online, asking your prospects what they want is an option...polls, surveys, emails, etc.  Online, however, 'asking' is more like research.  Online Research, however, will amaze you.  Research can tell you exactly what your prospects want, online research is almost instant, and there are tools available such as Google Trends, Ubersuggest, and TubeBuddy that can help you to pinpoint specifically what your audience needs or wants.  

Why is this so powerful?

Whether it is in person or online, it allows you to immediately connect with your prospect.  There is a 'REASON' behind their action...they are seeing you or visiting your site or watching your video for a reason.  That reason is that they want to satisfy their need or desire.  When you can immediately identify and relate to their problem or desire (what it is how it is affecting them), they are willing to continue.  Then, when you "Give Them What They Want", they take action.

Zig Ziglar, a legend, said that you get what you want by helping others get what they want.  You can use this powerful strategy right away, but it won't work if you fail to believe and fail to research, so please be sure to include belief and research in your plan.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  The first step in my Faceless Video Strategy is Research, it is called Niche Research, but it is finding out what people want so you can give it to them.  My Faceless Video Strategy is a way to make money from home using YouTube, but never having to make a video or spend money.  The strategy works as you see below.  There are three easy steps to the process, I cover each step in detail in a free Faceless Video Training Video that I invite you to watch. Watch time is an indicator that people like my videos and that is because I am Giving Them What They Want.  


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  • Top Commentor

    Priceless guidance George. I'm reminded of the maxim to first give people what they want and you can then later give them what you want! It's the sequence of these events which is critical - satisfy the customer first and yourself second. A bit like making love .... !! :-)

    • Top Video Contributor

      I think of it as making a connection, and online we only have a very few seconds.  The strategy to give them what they want helps us to get people to stay...whether on a site or watching a video.  Unless they stay, nothing is going to happen.  Thank you, Tom.

  • Top Member

    Give them what they want is right. This is very true. I always tell people I mentor "Relationships is the key to success in your business (online and offline). This means engagement, interaction and developing the relationship with people them. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I believe that almost every newbie is not aware that this strategy is essential.  Thank you, Terri.

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