Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen! When a new product is introduced that is part of
a trillion dollar industry, you want to be sure to let everyone know. Instead of SELLING the
product (people HATE to be "sold") you will "whet their appetite with some curiosity statements
and get them to be thinking about HOW the product WILL benefit them and WHY they will want
it themselves. When you "Plant" these concepts into their brain they will pre-qualify themselves
and sell themselves and you will be able to gain a loyal customer.
Here is an example of how to do the above mentioned things. Be SURE to fit the concept of
planting their DESIRE for yoiur proudct with this Indirect Sales method.
All successful people in Direct Sales pilfer andor learn from OTHER successful people and I have
studied for 30 years at the hand of Big Al Tom Schreiter. You can find free material at his website
http://BigAlBooks.com and get free emails daily :-)
Ready? This new product is for Fur Babies, Horses and kids, and is in the science/technology
and frequency categories; all trillion dollar industries.
"Our New, Patented Harmonic Card made Expressly for Pets and Children (under 66 pounds)
will be available for a few short days Starting Thursday, January 18th and if you are a Pet Owner
with a furry pal you will NOT want to miss this :-)
This card "tag" is About 1 X 1 inches long on a cord that hangs from the neck or
pet collar and comes in a lovely presentation box.
Got kids? Grandkids? You can ALSO pin it into your child's pockets so they don't lose it at
school, or if they are old enough they can wear it around their necks.
This new patented Harmonic Card for Pets and Children is effective up to 66 pounds.
It is also effective for horses (even though they are much bigger) because horses are
VERY sensitive and they too get stressed and sick from the effects of EMF's all around
Jos, our Quantum Physicist created this card especially for us and it has 9 precious
metals and does the same thing as our large Harmonic Cards. IT IS
PATENTED so no one else can duplicate it and will only be available from
me :-)
Have a clowder of cats or a pack of dogs (more than one) or kids or grandkids?
Our Special pricing is cost effective and allows you to mix and match to protect
BOTH your kids and Cats, Dogs or Horses ;-)
My Nellie Belle remained relaxed and snoozed right through Fourth Of
July Fire Works AND New Years Eve Fireworks because her Harmonic Card keeps her STRESS FReE with NO Anxiety! What about YOUR Fur Baby? Do they cower in the closet, howl or start acting out displaying disruptive behavior that harms them emotionally, physically and psychologically during times like these?
What would you give for Peace of Mind to help your Beloved Fur Babies live a
Stress Free, Anxiety Free Longer Life with the help of our Harmonic Card Collar
1 card $119 with 100% cv paid on weak leg (90cv)
2 cards $199 with 100% cv paid on weak leg (140cv)
Buy 3 GET ONE FREE (4) with 100% cv paid on weak leg (250cv)
Protect your human kids too and extend their life and give them a good
QUALITY of Life too FREE from radiation and EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency)
DAMAGE to their bodies and brains.too. By the way, these cards are TERRIFIC
for anyone with ADD or ADHD and teachers and parents have reported that
children STOP acting out and become more focused and relaxed when they
are wearing their Harmonic Card Tags too!
I have made SPECIAL ArraNgements, just for you to be able to place
a ONE time order, no strings attached to avail yourself the opportunity
to protect your fur babies and human ines so that they might live a long
and fruitful life free from DAMAGE from EMF's, Radiation and also alleviate
other conditions such as arthritis, sleep disruption, Anxiety and much more.
The card works just like our regular harmonic card.
My Harmonic Card overview with RS Mallory and Dr. Lee
2 minute Harmonic Card Explanation for EMF Protection
Please read the ATTACHED data sheet for the Harmonic Card
and photos of the kids/pet card
<3<3<3 VALENTINE'S DAY is coming <3<3<3
What Better way to say "I Love You" to your pets and horses and children and
grandchildren, nieces and nephews and g-d children than to gift them one or our
Harmonic Cards made ESPECIALLY for them?
Call with any questions you have .I am standing by to take your orders
starting THIS Thursday. Remember, this is a LIMITED TIME OFFERING
so take advantage of this offering right away because they will go fast and
you KNOW how Pet Lovers around the world love their pets (and grandkids too!)
I appreciate you! Don't forget to take a look at the attached data sheet and
Listen to my overview of the importance of protecting ourselves and
extending our lives in a positive way. (above)
NOTICE how I created a WORD PICTURE for people so that they ENVISION THEIR
beloved pets having a situation or ailment (or their kids/grandkids)?? Once you PLANT
that into their brain they start thinking about how THEIR furbaby or kid will BENEFIT from
this Kids and Pets Harmonic Card :-)
More than HALF your job is done and you have not ASKED FOR A SALE. THEY will ASK YOU
and Voila! Easy Peasy Stressless way to gain a valued customer!
I hope you find this information valuable my friends! Don't forget to go over to Big Al's website
and sign up for free million dollar trainings!
RS Mallory
512.472.2604 no text
Your presentation will positively influence many who read it RS. It's full of good stuff. You head it by asking, "How would YOU market? ... etc." Here's my answer to that specific question - "I wouldn't." What I would do and actually do is ... market myself. Here's my point -
A greenhorn salesman walks into a store. The store owner says, "What are you trying to sell me?"
A respected salesman of repute walks into the same store. The store owner says, "What have you got for me today?"
The second guy has established his credibility long since. So, be it a pencil sharpener in his case or a trillion dollar product, it's already a done deal!
Everything resonates. The less we 'sell', the better, thank you, RS.
Thank you George and I am grateful that my post resonates wtih you my friend :-)
Thanks Terri. I was a 5 Star Diamond in Big Al's company Vitamark years ago, 5 years in a row and I must say that it was his training that allowed me to attain the heights I did in the company. His training has stayed with me all these years and I experience similar success with my present business!
I was in Vitamark as well, and I had a huge team that earned me weekly commissions and lots of customers. I loved their products and i wish they were still in business today. I learned so much from Tom and Michael Dloughy too. Both are successful marketers that know this business and willingness to help people.
Tom Schreiter definitely know about marketing and business. I got to talk with him one on one at a convention I attended. It was wonderful to have that time to talk and learn from him. I learned many skills and I recommend people to check his website out.