2024 is almost here! That means
~~reflecting on this past year; what worked and what didn't work
~~looking forward and leaving the past in the past
~~practicing Gratitude for all that we accomplished and for that which we have
the ability to accomplish in 2024
~~Be sure to write down your Personal and Business goals for the New Year.
~~Make an appointment with your sponsor to discuss a personal plan of action
for you in the new year.
~~ Take Action -- This sends a message to the Universe using The Laws of Intention
and Attraction and puts them on notice that you will be Taking Action and request
their assistance.
For those of you less esoteric, the ACTION of writing down your goals makes a kinetic
connection with your subconscious, allowing you to move forward on your Journey to
Success in the coming New Year.
Compassionate Marketers know the importance of Expressing Gratitude for what you
already have, and what you will be working to achieve.
Be sure to make a list of all that did NOT serve you well in 2023 and a list of all the things
that DID serve you in 2023. Use this list as a strategy to IMPROVE on your skills and activites
and for:
Kinds of Marketing - Internet, Mail, Personal Contact, Flyers, Advertising
Sample Programs - where, who, what, where, and how
Budget - for Travel, Marketing, Samples, Incidentals
Make your Goals audacious enough for the new year that you will need to get our of your
COMFORT ZONE, yet NOT so unattainable and unreachable that you will not be able to achieve
them :-)
Remember, exercise is good for the mind and physical BEing, so when you make those audacious
goals you are challenging YOURSELF to BE the very best that you can be. Remember, You ARE
ALREADY anything and everything you WANT to BE if you Take Action to Attract, Embrace and
Bring then into Your Reality, my friends!
Blessings of Abundance, Prosperity Joy and Laughter to you all for a healthy 2024.
RS Mallory
Compasionate Marketing
Happy New Year, RS, thank you for this post, it is a road map or checklist to make our 2024 journey easier and more productive.
Very well said. Thank you for sharing this. It's definitely food for thought!
Nice one for everyone to read. Thanks RS for sharing your post here. It's very beneficial for 2024.
I am grateful, as always, Terri, to know that my contributions to the community are valued :-) Blessings for an Abundant and healthy 2024 to you and all our members.
All the best to you in 2024.