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Infinite Content, On Demand!


Hi All, I am George Pierce and this post is about an easy way to help you with content creation. Coming up with new and fresh content for articles, blog posts, websites, videos, and so on seems to be a major obstacle for both new and experienced online marketers. It is NOT!  

Above is a snapshot of one of the tools that I use for content creation, especially in the weight loss niche. The tool is SpinRewriter, I tried it, I love it, I and am now a lifetime member.  Spin Rewriter is a paid tool, It is about $6 a month.  You can try it for free.  I am not a fan of spending money that your biz is not yet earning, so if you are just beginning, there are dozens or more free article spinners.  Type 'free article spinner' into your search box, and you will find plenty, try several and choose the one you like best. 

In addition, you can use your search box to find content that is appropriate to your niche. The above content is actually a 4300+ word article about the twisted and tragic story of The Three Stooges.   

Free spinners often have a max number of words of 1,000 to 1,500 words, not a big deal, but bigger articles will have to be broken up into several parts.  I STRONGLY recommend creating an article of 2K words or more.  Search engines love longer articles. 

Type into your search box what you are looking for, and check out some of the articles that you are interested in.  Copy and paste one or more articles into your article spinner, and spin your article. re-read it.  Article spinners are good but not perfect, so reread and make any changes that are needed.  You now have content that you can use for a website or blog, etc., just add images, ads, email sign-up, and so on.  


You have the basis for your video script.  

Either way, you can create fresh content in minutes and your supply is virtually infinite.

In my case, the article above will be posted on two of my vintage video blogs, and will also become the script for at least one, Three Stooges video.  Often, when you create content, you can use it in more than one way.


Creating content is not an obstacle, use this method for infinite content, on demand.


Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  If you post your content to more than one site, for example, 2 blogs, as in my case, re-spin your content to avoid duplicate content. 


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  • Hi, thanks for sharing this post. Does the spin writer tool make the article unique? 

    • Top Video Contributor

      It actually shows you by a percentage on the lower left as to its uniqueness, see the top image above.  Thank you, Anthuwin.

  • Top Video Contributor

    Hi Tom and thank you, it is great to hear from you and I appreciate your kind words.

  • Top Commentor

    I learn something new every day George - very often from your good self! Thank you for this dizzying intro, you are the tops!

  • Top Member

    Informative, beneficial and educational as always George Pierce I'm not a member of SpinRewriter, however I have heard of it, the feedback/testimonies about it are great from what I have seen. Thank you for publishing this information in the SE community.   

    • Top Video Contributor

      I used it for about a year before deciding to become a lifetime member.  I am, in fact, using it as I make this reply.  I am not an advocate of spending money that most newbies businesses are not yet earning.  I also know that most newbies are going to spend whatever they afford and ignore my recommendations.  If so, I suggest AIOP for a complete marketing platform including an unlimited autoresponder and SpinRewriter. The cost is under $20 a month vs. $99 to $299 a month or more.  Thank you, Terri.

This reply was deleted.

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