Hi All! I am George Pierce, this post is about siphoning traffic, with a bit of a twist. The twist is to build siphons around worthy causes, such as Manatee Awareness. Each month of the year celebrates awareness of many noble causes. Per Wikipedi
#trafficsiphoning (4)
Hi All! I am George Pierce. This post is about a secret weapon you can use for free traffic when all else fails. My secret weapon is a form of traffic siphoning. This is NOT the recommended way to generate free traffic because your audience is not
Hi All! I am George Pierce, this post is about how you can cash in on TRENDS, Holidays, Events,
Trending News, Trending Topics, etc.
WHY Bother?
Search volume! When you tap into or siphon traffic in this way, the idea is that there is so much searc
Hi Everyone! I am George Pierce with about 20 years of online marketing experience. This post is about a tactic that you can use to give your website, YouTube channel, blog, etc. a quick boost or a prolonged boost. The tactic is to tap into what i
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