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Little Known Trick For Facebook For Newbies


Hi All!  I am George Pierce and this post is about a trick that will help you on Facebook, especially if you are new.

A common way to boost your Facebook page or feed is to share it with friends.  The idea is to invite 'FRIENDS'

to your new page.  Since they are friends, hopefully. they will choose to become followers.  In order to do this,

you will see an Invite button.  When you click on it, a list of your friends will show up, and you can click on the box 

next to them and send out invitations to visit your page.




That is great, but if you are new to Facebook, your list of Facebook friends may be minimal.  Or perhaps you have already invited all your Facebook friends, in case you are not aware, you have an option that you can use to invite others.  The others are those people that have shown interest in your posts.  

Go to your Meta Business Suite, then to Grow Your Audience, then at 'Reach out to new people', click on send invites. 


A list of people that have shown interest in your posts will appear.  Click on the boxes to the right and then on send invites.


Before you use this option, fill your page with content. If you use this strategy too early, your invitations are going to be of little help, because there is NOTHING to follow.  Once you have grown your content, then send out those invitations.  Now, keep adding content, and watch as a snowball effect begins to happen.  

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

Goerge Pierce

PS.  For free Internet Marketer Training, please visit my IM Training Channel.

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  • Top Commentor

    I believe it is important to wait to do this as well. The number of people showing interest should grow as time progresses, if it does not you might want to rethink what you are posting.

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