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Longer Videos vs. Shorter Videos ~ Which Is Better?


Hi All!  I am George Pierce, this post is about longer videos vs shorter videos on YouTube.  If you are creating your own videos, according to my research, videos about 9 or 10 minutes long or longer should do your channel more good than shorter videos.  The idea behind this is that longer videos are likely to get more watch time.  YouTube considers watch time as an indicator of how much or how little people like your videos.  So if longer videos mean more watch time, and if the YT algorithm is partial to watch time, then longer videos should be your best option.   

This is another consideration and that is called viewer retention which is a measure of how long people watch your videos versus the length of your videos which is expressed in a percentage. What this means is that a video with a high viewer retention rate, regardless of length, also sends a signal to YT that people like your video.  

The bottom line is to create quality videos based on what your audience wants.  Your audience will like your videos and the YT algorithm is smart enough to know.  


Above is a snapshot of two of my YT channels that are based on my Faceless Video strategy, which is a way to grow a YT channel legally using other people's videos for free.  

The channel on the left is a game show channel so most videos are 20+ minutes long (shorter videos), the channel on the right is a vintage movie channel so most videos are an hour to two hours + in length (longer videos).

The movie channel is presently ahead based on watch time, but the game show channel is ahead based on the number of views.

Which one is going to WIN? 

When I recently created these channels, I thought that the movie channel was going to be the favorite because of watch time.  Now, I can see that the game show channel may end up winning because of views. 

The good news is that both are doing well and have phenomenal potential. 

If you are seeking a way to make money online at no cost, I invite you to check out my free Faceless Video Training, there are three simple steps that I lay out in detail that anyone can do.  I share exactly what I am doing to get the results that you see above. 

Thank you for reading.

Much Success,

George Pierce


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  • Top Commentor

    Always interesting to hear, and learn, from you George. Personally, shorter is better for me - unless it's a movie which I want to watch - in which case I wouldn't count that as 'internet watch time'. Game shows? ... give me a break!

    • Top Video Contributor

      There is so much about YT that I do not know, so I experiment, one experiment seems to have cost me a channel (almost 3), but that is my primary way to learn, and the tougher the lesson, the better I learn, thank you, Tom.  Unfortunately, YT owns the platform, so it is not my personal choice, but it seems the easiest, so I share it, however, YT is making mistakes and not allowing feedback along with Google, which seems to be a bad omen.  Not allowing is a wrong choice of words, not acknowledging is perhaps, better, thank you again, Tom.

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