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Making Money Is This Easy!


Hello All!

I am George Pierce.  I have been an Internet Marketer for about 20 years.  Over the last 20 years, I have found countless ways to make money online that do NOT work, and fortunately, I have found a few that do.  What works best for me is what is called 'content marketing'.  I follow a method called the Bum Marketing Method which I learned over 15 years ago.  It is a combination of content and SEO.  For me, it works and it keeps on working.

I have recently combined that strategy with another strategy called Faceless Videos.  It is a way to make money on YouTube without having to create videos or be on camera.  I am downloading vintage videos from a site called Internet Archive after doing what is called niche research.  The niche research tells me beforehand if a video is going to get views as well as how I can get my share of those views using SEO.  I use a free tool called Keyword Explorer to perform the SEO which means there is no technical skill needed and no money needed.

I am going to invite you to take a closer look at what I am doing later, it is free and it works, but first, allow me to share how insanely easy this is. 

Above is a snapshot of the new vintage video channel that was created using the process that I share.  All traffic and all views that are being generated are free.  This traffic is due to the SEO as well as 'sharing' videos on social platforms after being published.



Although the channel is new, YT stats are some of the best that you could ask for and they are free.  Above are the top videos so far.  When something is working, it is easy to see, thanks to YT.  

For example, the top 2 videos are The New Price Is Right with host Bob Barker.  Obviously, these videos are working, so I should do MORE OF THEM.



When I go to Internet Archive (above), I can see that there are at least 6704 Game Shows in their archive. 

Let's see if there are any more of The New Price Is Right.



There are more available! 

Most of the ones that are in color are the ones that I am looking for.

The black and white videos are the original Price Is Right with Bill Cullen. 

I am a big fan of the original as well as the new, but I have already uploaded an episode from the original and

it is not getting views such as the ones with Bob Barker.  So I will be adding more videos of the New Price Is Right with 

Bob Barker.  It is that easy.


What I am sharing is NOT a free lunch, it still takes effort and persistence. On the other hand, I see way too many people

that are willing to put in the effort and willing to stick with it, yet they are quitting.  

Of course, I cannot legally make any financial promises or guarantees, but what I am sharing is about as easy as it gets.

You do want to learn the niche research, SEO, and sharing part in order to give yourself every advantage.

I invite you to visit this video for the steps you need to take.  Again, this is free, everything is free.

Watch The Absolute Easiest Way To Make Money Online Proof 3 steps


Thanks for reading.

Much Success,

George Pierce


PS.  I have laid out what I am doing step by step.  Below is an example of what my SEO training can do for your videos.

BOTH of these videos (my videos above) are on page one of YT search! 

Look at the views compared to #3, yet a little SEO makes this happen. The SEO is

in the training and it is free.  


After taking a closer look, the top video is a paid ad.  I paid ZERO and my videos are in the #1 and #3 spot.  

Votes: 1
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  • Top Commentor

    Wow..Exactly stuff George. You are already getting good traction with your videos and that is awesome. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I remember too well not getting traction.  YouTube is not too friendly to new channels. so, yes, I am pleased.  Thanks. John.

  • Top Member

    Great PR George Pierce as usual. As you stated "be willing to put in the effort and willing to stick with it." 

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