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Need An Image But Cannot Find It?


Hi All!  I am George Pierce, this post is about a method that you can use to find images.  In my case, I could not find images of ancient class rooms.  Whatever I seemed to type into the search box for image sites such as Pexels and Pixabay, the images that came up were not even close to what I wanted.  Above is an example image of what I wanted. The right images will enhance our story, the wrong images do not work.  My source for these hard to find images were "CoPilot" and "ChatGPT".  I am making this quick post to share this info, since you may not be aware that this is an option to find the image that you want, and these images will have no copyright issues.  

Thanks for reading,

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  The images were for the following video.

PPS.  I also could not find a 'camels walking sound effect' and 'harp music' on YT Audio Library, Pixabay has an excellent section for sound effects and music, to help us find what we want.

PPPS.  The image for the thumbnail for the video is thanks to ChatGPT.  

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  • Top Commentor

    The most important part of this is make sure you can legally use what you find. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      It is a common misunderstanding that content on the Internet is free to use (image, text, video, etc.), thank you, Dennis.

    • Top Commentor

      Unlike many I have known this for years. A few people have turned articles I have written (copyright protected) into PDF's. It was a struggle getting them removed from the internet. What people may not know is AI often takes parts of things that are copyright protected and shares it as something created by it. 

  • Top Member

    Nice information to know. I'll have to check CoPilot George Pierce Thank you for sharing. You're the best. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      To the best of my understanding, any content that ChatGPT or CoPilot creates, image or text, is free to use as our own, with no copyright restrictions.   Thank you, Terri.  

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