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Research. Find What Is Working, Try It Yourself.


Hi All, I am George Pierce. This post is about trying new things online and the process.   I am presently beginning my newest adventure online which is RUMBLE.  RUMBLE is brand new for me!  Although I have 20 years of experience online, I am in unchartered territory, which is EXCITING!  If you are new to making money online, it is an exciting journey.  Best of all, there is always something new.  You will never run out of new challenges.  

Rumble is a video platform, similar to YouTube.  Since I know almost nothing about RUMBLE, I am a lot like a newbie.  If you are new to online marketing, allow me to share what I am doing, it should help you.  


The first step is to do the research.  Your initial research is called niche research, it is about finding out what your audience wants, in this case, it is also about finding your audience.  TRENDS are always popular online and on social media sites and video platforms such as YT and Rumble. Rumble is a TREND paradise.

There is a huge positive side to trends, they produce a flood of instant traffic.  There is also a negative side to trends, they are often short-lived.  

Based on research, trends are a fast way, perhaps the fastest way to get quick traffic on Rumble.  

If you or I want to know what is trending online, Google Trends will tell us for free.  


Over a half million searches in a day is a lot of searches. 

To take advantage of a trend, find one or more stories, articles, videos, etc, about the topic.  Put that content into your own words and use that as your video script.  Create your video yourself or with AI and upload it.  Share your upload on social media for added exposure.  



Will this work?   It should.  I have used this strategy before on websites that the search engines seemed to hate.  In those cases, it took about 4 weeks to get the organic traffic to flow.  I am hoping for less time for Rumble.  

What if it does not work?  

Not everything works, so there is no guarantee...but you and I will NEVER know if something works if we do not try.  

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  if you are interested in making money online, consider checking out my free Make Money Online Training on YT


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  • Top Commentor

    Spot on George - Attitude precedes technical ability and results. You will never know if something works if you do not try. Life is for triers!  

    • Top Video Contributor

      One of the attractions of the Internet is that it is usually easy to try new things, the cost is often almost zero, and results are quick.  Thank you, Tom.  

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