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Network Marketing, Diect Sales and indeed, now E-Commerce are serious business just like like Peak Freen Cookies which was founded in 1857 and sucessfully developed a World Wide Business until greed set in. In 1989 Peek Freans was sold off in pieces and became defunt, never mind that the famous Peek Freen Ginger Cookies were known WORLD WIDE as the VERY BEST Ginger Cookie in the World and whose tradmark jingle was "Peek Freens are a Very Serious Business!"

No Matter when YOUR Business was started, your endeavors ARE  "a serious Business". 30 plus years later I am still learning how to tweek my business for "the present", and, the Business indeed is one that will keep on giving as long as I devote my energies, skills and my REASON for moving forward in my mind. MY reason? To help other people create and maintain a better Life and Life Style for themselves and their families, whatever that looks like for them :-)

I AM Always on the lookout for folks who fit into that category, which is virtually everyone on the planet, with a few caveats. Our individual Businesses, with all their ups and downs rquire a strong motivation on our part to get through the "lean" or slow times. Our individual Businesses require attention each and every day. Our individual Businesses rquire us to Always be on the lookout for those who might be impacted in a postive way by our Business or as a Customer for our products. Our individual Businesses help US transform into BEcoming Teachers, Leaders and Guides. Our individual Businesses teach us how to BE humble and keep seeking Knowledge so that we might BEtter ourselves AND our team members.

TO THAT END, when everyone else is slowing down during the traditional Christmas and Holiday Season, we KNOW that this is the Very Best time to be speaking with people about the coming New Year and WHAT Goals or Needs they have for themselves and their families.

Kids going off to college?

Grandma moving in?

Grandpa moving to a Nursing Home?

The Twins getting their drivers licenses and needing cars?

Replace income from that 2nd or 3rd job?

Bring Mom home from her job so that you can start your family, or grow it?

The Secret to reaching out to folks during this season is NOT a secret. It requires ONLY that you Know and Understand what this Holiday Season means to you (and to those you reach ot to NOW)

The Secret is Taking Action and reaching out to others now. I create a weekly Thursday Training for Network Marketers, those in Direct Sales and those in E-Commerce. Take 15 minutes and watch my Training on WHY and How to "use" this season to Grow Your Business and Help Others Create a Better Life for themselves and their families in the coming New Year :-)

Remember, everything you always wanted to BE is already Inside you. Reach In and Empower Yourself, Take Action and Always place the importance on the potential Business Partner and/or Customer and you will BEcome ALL that You Desire, and REMEMBER, Just like PEEK FREANS, YOU Are A Very Serious Business <3



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RS Mallory has 30 years of Full Time marketing Experience after a 25 year career as a teacher, spending years as an Advocate for Distributors, training, traveling and building teams.

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  • Top Commentor

    Working when others are not is a hallmark of top achievers RS. Your guidance is gold dust for those prepared to see it!

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you Tom for your kind words. I aspire to share my insights to and for those who are, but don't know it yet, Top Achievers :-) We each have that "gold dust" you speak of inside of us and if it is awakened, anyone and everyoone might claim "top achievement"


  • Top Video Contributor

    Timing is an important factor and this is a time when people are in a mindset that is open to new things, superb post, thank you, RS.  FYI, comments are turned off on your video.  

    • Top Commentor

      Thank you George, I am grateful tha tmy article resonates with you. Because my trainings on Youtube are for everyone, and particularly my teams, I keep the comments turned off so that nobody can spam the trainings with THEIR links :-) I never give my links in a video either :-) #Leadership



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