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STOP Trying For Home Runs!



Hi Gals and Guys!  I am George Pierce, this post is about being willing to 'step up to the plate' and "stop trying to make home runs".  In baseball, you cannot get any hits if you do not get an 'at bat'.  In the making money online arena, you have an opportnity to take an 'at bat' as often as you like.  Not only does the Internet provide you with the potential of infinite at bats, it also allows you to be a  'place hitter'!??   A place hitter is one that has the skill to be able to place the ball or hit the ball to a place where no one is going to catch it.  Rather than hitting for the fences (for home runs), hit to get on base (hit to get base hits).  Yes, Home Runs, are more exciting, and your home runs will happen, but base hits are more realistic for beginners. 

It all starts with stepping up to the plate and that part is easy and free.  There is no need to spend money. You can get superb free hosting from sites such as Webador, which has a superb site builder, or Altervista which has free WordPress sites that compare with paid.  There is also no cost to set up a YouTube channel or to join soical media sites which will allow you to share your content for free.  

 Even your research tools are free.  Below is a snapshot of Ubersuggest.  I use the paid version, however, Ubersuggest has a free web site and a free Chrome extension.  
Tools, such as Ubersuggest, allow us to 'research' our content, in other words to base our content around what our audience is searching for.  This is where 'place hitting' comes in.  The above keywords have good search and LOW Competition.   The SD column indicates organinc search difficulty, the lower the SD, the better.  The (inverted) chances for success for these keywords (phrases) are 86%, 91%, and 93%!  We have an almost guaranteed chance of getting on base!

Let's  take a look at the common newbie mistake of trying for home runs.


The keyword phrase, the rolling stones, has an SD of 92.  US search volume is 74K, overall is 243K.  The search volume is superb, and that is what most newbies look at and only look at, so they build their content around those keywords.  Thanks to Ubersuggest, you and I know that we have about an 8% chance of success with the keywords "The Rolling Stones".   Unfortunately, our organic results (free traffic) are going to be almost none.  The mistake of swinging for the fences is easy to fix...or is it?!!   

When you are new, you are going to make mistakes, it comes with the territory.  The problem that I had is that "I did not know."  I knew something was wrong, but I did not know what was wrong. That is not so easy to fix.  

I cannot make any guarantees, but almost all of what I share, is what I do or have done.  If my strategy works for me, it should work for you.  I say 'strategy' because this kind of research will work for any niche.


YT has changed their algorithm, but it so happens that "Satisfaction" is one of the most popular songs,  it ranks 31 in the top 500 best songs of all time, per Rolling Stone Magazine.  I know that because of "research".  Research your keywords, resarch your content, then deliver as much value as you can!

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  I invite you to visit my free make mney online training channel, where my focus is on free. 

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