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The Dumbest Approach To SEO!


Hi All,  

I am George Pierce, I have had very good luck with what is called SEO for well over 15 years.  SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization.  I originally thought that SEO was going to be way over my head, and I believe that a lot of newbies may feel the same.  so my approach to SEO was the absolute dumbest approach. 

I ignored it, and I avoided it.  

You can probably guess how well that worked.  

Right from the very beginning, I knew that SEO could help my efforts because it was a way to generate traffic.  I later found out that the traffic that SEO generates is what is called organic traffic.  This is the kind of traffic that comes from people typing keywords into their search box that match your content, more specifically that match the keywords you select that describe your content.  I am not an SEO expert, but I have discovered a few tricks that help me and can help you to better compete.  


One of my tricks is the use of a free SEO tool called Keyword Explorer by TubeBuddy and a free tool called Ubersuggest.  They are both free Chrome extensions and the best part is that the tools will do all the work.   By that, I mean that these tools balance the amount of search and the competition and the keyword strength, the result is an 'overall score' or 'search difficulty'.  The higher the score the better with Keyword Explorer, and the lower the better with Ubersuggest.  

The other trick, if you even want to call it that, is to THINK.  Take a moment, put yourself in your prospective visitors' or viewers' shoes, and think about what words would you use. 

As you see above, the Overall Score for the keywords "h r puff n stuff" is Excellent.  I recommend shooting for words that score in the green.  In both examples, I am using YouTube Search, and in the top example, which is actually the correct spelling, my video is #1 and #2 in the second example.  The benefit of coming in at or near the top of a YouTube search is that your video is going to be seen!

Does this really help you?




So far, this video has generated 1K views and is gaining momentum.  Over time, this one video will mean many thousands of views.  

If you are growing a YT channel, or if you are using videos to drive traffic, video SEO will mean more views, and either way, that is what you want.

Thank you for reading. 

Much Success,

George Pierce

PS. What you see above are examples of a video marketing strategy that I am using.  There is no need to make videos and there is no cost.

The strategy is a three-step adaptation of a Faceless Video strategy which means making money on YouTube but not having to make videos.

If you are interested in making money online, you will be surprised at how easy this is.  I invite you to watch my Faceless Video Training.


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  • Top Commentor

    Most small business owners can't afford to do a lot of paid advertising. Many can afford none. SEO is the best way to generate free traffic, and in some cases it lasts ten years or more (from personal experience). Personally I have never used uber suggest or tube buddy. Once you know your audience neither should be needed.

    • Top Video Contributor

      You are right about it lasting.  Tools help me to be aware of the amount of competition, I have often found the perfect keywords that did not work, too often.  Thank you, Dennis. 

  • Top Member

    You and I learned the same lesson. I learned years ago about SEO, it means free organic traffic from the search engines. It beats paying for traffic any day. The time you spend doing keyword research in your niche is the only option for generating traffic. Yes they're other ways that you can generate traffic, however this way works very well and highly recommended for free organic traffic.

    I recommend Keyword Explorer by Tubebuddy because it works. I am an active user and will continue to be. Additionally I use Ubersuggest as well. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Fortunately, I was so bad at paid ads, I had to find a free traffic method, it seemed like I tried them all.  SEO tops them all, IMO.  I use Ubersuggest less and less too, video drives traffic and TB seems best geared to YT.  Thank you, Terri.  

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