How To Create A Life Of PURE JOY!
WHAT is self-improvement? WHY work at it?
I have spent a lifetime addressing just those questions. First from the perspective of my business and commercial activities, then in my personal life too. I realised early on in fact, that the principles and practices of successful living apply equally in both personal and entrepreneurial pursuits. Get it right in one and you've got the winning formula for the other. Create a happy life for yourself and you're well placed to help others to create happy lives too. Lives based on the simple principles of free thought and the power of self-determination which I myself practice.
It is these characteristics which I emphasise in vivid fashion in my latest book in my 'successful living' series. In 'The Road To Joyful Living', I set out to encourage, inspire and amuse you with my gloriously original views on self-improvement. With my trademark blend of real life experiences, professional insights, personal views and fun stories, I identify exactly why and how personal development will work for you!
But the book is more than just another guide to the principles and practices of self-improvement. It is quite different. Exceptional in fact. Why?
As an entrepreneur, I do not deal in theory. I've been involved in a host of trade sectors, an encyclopedia of different enterprises and just about every self-employed situation imaginable. These experiences brought me into close and personal relationships as an adviser and confidant. I saw first hand how decisions and strategies relative to people's businesses impacted on their personal lives and vice versa. I learned that clients valued my input as much, or more so, for how it would influence their personal lives and relationships as for the commercial considerations. They valued my integrity and sought my counsel on that basis. It is these experiences of helping people to live at greater peace with themselves and in harmony with the world which lie at the heart of 'The Road To Joyful Living' - and inspired me to write it.
As I write with the authority of one who has 'been there, seen it, done it', I know that bettering yourself should, first and foremost, be an enjoyable endeavour. I assert that it makes simple sense to put fun and enjoyment central in your existence; not a peripheral experience to fit in occasionally or when other demands permit. I insist therefore that you be generous and have fun while working to improve yourself! And I urge you to do just that, every minute of every day and in everything you do! My motto is to, “Live life, laugh and love!” - and become a better person as a result. 'The Road To Joyful Living' shows you how.
This is a serious book of course but I've made it an entertaining and fun read too. I believe that you'll love it. I've been told that there's no other book on the subject comes close to matching my unique take on life. As Don Merrill of San Antonio, Texas enthuses - “ … as good, or better, than any of the books I have read by the so called 'masters' of personal development and success books/training."
I am Tom Riach. I live and write in the sunny south of Portugal.
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THE ROAD TO JOYFUL LIVING is an original copyright Tom Riach feature.
I hope you enjoyed this promotional article and found it to be of value.
To learn more please visit me on my Author Page.
See you there! Regards, Tom.

Your brilliance is shining like the sun outside. You always share experiences from your life and relate it to the point you're making. My motto is "Live each day to the fullest" and I like yours as well “Live life, laugh and love!” - and become a better person as a result. Thank you for sharing your new book in the SE community.
Thank you once again Robin. Your feedback is invaluable. The greatest gift of my childhhood and teens education was being taught to think for myself. The result is an inquisitive and inventive approach to life and business which produces original solutions. It's great that you appreciate the results!
Thank you Tom. Sharing a personal story. My son, who is 28 years old, works for a big Corporate Company that does delivery, I won't mention the name, but I'm sure it's easy to figure out. Anyway, they treat their employees like crap, they don't look out for their safety, no holiday pay or even the holiday off. Also the pay is pitiful for the work they do. My son calls me daily telling me how miserable he is in that job.
Well, I shared some of the Lessons I learned, from "The Secret World of Self Employment" with him. Because he was so concerened about quitting. I told him life is too short to be miserable. And if you work a back breaking job that makes you miserable as an young man. Can you imagine being an miserable old man with nothing to show for your trouble or your life? "To be the master of your own destiny, You have to be your own boss." from TSWOSE. He took the advice and started taking control by trying something new. And he's always entreprauner minded, but now he's doing something about it. Once he reads this the Book for himself, he will fly.
Your son's story is not unique Robin. Many young people (myself included) go through that experience. The key, as you well know, is to use the experience as motivation to improve your lot - rather than playing the victim and feeling that life is against you. Your son sounds like just the sort of guy I'd love to spend time with; of course that's not an option but reading my books and imagining being with me is good alternative. As you say, I write in a way to make people feel relaxed and as if they're with me. Lovely to hear about your family - I feel as if I'm with them!
Tom, I agree with what Don Merrill and George Pierce wrote about your Books. For me personally, the lessons have been invaluable and I've learned a lot secrets I've never seen anywhere else before. I also like they way you put the emphasis on, You, the person to be happy and enjoy yourself while you're growing. I would highly recommend your books as Tools on the road to self improvement and self discovery.
The humor and fun that you add to all your writing, make for easier learning and better learning. From a reader's point of view, your humor helps your content to be easier to understand and easier to apply. Thank you, Tom.
Thanks George. I know that the humour angle is something which we are both well agreed upon! :-)