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The Secrets To Online Success


Hi All, 

I am George Pierce, I have about 20 years of experience online, and this post is meant to help you to make that happens for yourself.

I am convinced that anyone can learn and earn online. so why doesn't everyone make that happen?  

The fact is that only about 20% of those who decide to make the effort, actually want to succeed.  That seems strange to me, but it is apparently a fact.  In other words, 80 out of 100 people do NOT want to succeed. If you are one of the 80, I am not sure that this post will help you. 

If you are one of the 20, this post is for you.  


Because only about 2 or 3, depending on who you listen to, actually succeed.  This means that only about 2 to 3%, 2 or 3 out of 100, will make it online. This kind of success, or lack of success, coincides with just about every other kind of opportunity, but making money online has so many advantages, there should be no reason why all 20 who actually want success, should not achieve it.  

In my opinion, when it comes to an online venture, there is only one catch...just need to stay with it.  If you will stay with your online adventure if you will NOT quit, you have no choice except to succeed.  

In other words, I am hoping to share a way to help you to stay with it, to stick with it, not quit, and therefore succeed.

I may have a couple of answers, at least suggestions.

If you are not familiar with vintage media, above is Fred Astaire, watch and you will see why he is one of the best ever.


Online adventures that last are a lot like marriage!???


Love conquers all.  I am lucky, in that, I love what I am doing.  But that LUCK is actually a result of purposeful positioning.  I am not about to put myself in a niche that I do not love, or, at least like. 

#2  Keep Love Burning

Successful marriages do not just happen, it takes work.  The same goes for your online adventure. Even though you may love it, you have to keep that love burning.  One of my latest adventures is a YT channel built around classic TV and vintage media.  So, like a chef, I have to inspect what I expect and occasionally 'sample' the vintage content.  The video above is a little taste of what I am sharing.  MMMM!  I love it!

My point is that before you even begin, do your best to put yourself into an online adventure that you love, and then, creatively keep that love burning. 

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  If vintage media has a STRONG appeal, or better yet, if you LOVE vintage media, I invite you to watch this video. I have laid out the steps that I have taken to set up a Classic Television Channel, which you can follow. thus, a way for you to make money on YT without ever making a video or spending money.

💲The Absolute Easiest Way To Make Money Online Proof 3 steps

To access all the free resources mentioned in this video, please visit:

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  • Top Member

    People should read your post to know the secrets to online success. Your business is like a marrige and you have to work at it, and don't quit. Persistence is the key to success along with consistent effort. 

  • Top Commentor

    Persistence and staying with it is the key to the breakthrough. Thanks for the inspiring reminder George!

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