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Hi All!  I am George Pierce, above is an image of Thomas J. Watson Sr. who is best known for the slogan THINK.  According to Wikipedia:  “THINK” was the slogan developed by Thomas Watson Sr. when he was a sales manager for the National Cash Register Company, exhorting his salesmen to use their heads, not their feet—their job was to think."   His slogan was THINK. 

This post is based on the slogan TRY! 

So many of us are afraid to try, or we do not want to step out of our comfort zone.  If taking your first steps toward success is difficult, that is normal.  We are designed to not take risks.  Once upon a time, risks could be fatal!

Getting started online is not fatal!  It can be satisfying, gratifying, and financially rewarding.  

All you have to do is try.  Believe it or not, failure is impossible.  I cannot legally make any promises, but anyone can learn how to make money online, the secret is to try, and then, refuse to quit.  You are left with only one option which is success.

There is something called treasure mapping which is a way to help you to attract what you want.  You post images of your desire in prominent places at home, at work, in your car, and so on.  

THINK about what you need or desire.  Joe Girard, the self-proclaimed Greatest Salesman In The World, was so desperate, that he visualized his prospects as bags of groceries.   By thinking about your reward, and keeping it literally in sight, you will find the motivation you need to TRY!  You are capable of more than you can imagine, and you might amaze yourself, it all begins with TRY. 

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS. Allow me to invite you to visit my YT training channel.  Consider watching Make Money Online with Clickbank Training or Make Money Online with YouTube training.


Attribution Image and Quote:

Thomas J. Watson. (2024, January 13). In Wikipedia.


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  • Top Commentor

    You are spot on with this, George. I have been guilty of giving up and throwing in the towel many times. But as you have said, nothing beats a failure but a try. I like to call it "staying in the fight." You have to make sure to give yourself a chance. And to give yourself a real chance, it is about not giving up. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Especially online.  I agree if we will 'stay in the fight', we cannot fail, thank you, John. 

  • Top Commentor

    These are words of wisdom George.  I like quotes and two I cite in my mind from time to time is, "If at first you don't succeed, try and try again"; and "Nothing beats a failure but a try".   I've never been one to give up on the first try, because how else will you learn but to try again.  It's like learning to ride a bike, you get banged up in those tries, but if keep trying you'll get it.  And it's a learned skill you never forget. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      I have never failed more at anything than Internet Marketing, and I still fail a lot!  I tried two new things yesterday...both failed miserably...and that is the beauty of the Internet, it allows us to TRY all kinds of things, and as long as we meet our failures with TRY, we learn and grow, and improve and so on.  "Nothing beats failure but a try!:  Thank you, Robin.  

    • Top Commentor

      Oh yes, George.  I can attest to not failing at anything more than Internet marketing.  It's been challenging but I'm still here.  And it's articles like this one, that give you that motivation to keep pushing on.  The very last thing you need is to listen to those that say "make $10,000 in 30 days while doing nothing".  That's a joke. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Of the two failures, that I mentioned, one failed, and the other worked, I guess it has to do with our perspective or attitude, when something fails, I get just as excited as when something succeeds.  Why?   Because I want to find out why...why it failed or why it succeeded, both have lessons for me, and failure is my best teacher, thank you, again, Robin. 

    • Top Member

      I like "Nothing beats a failure but a try." 

      Says it all. 


    • Top Commentor

      I agree Terri.  I believe that's why the vast majority don't reach their goal, because they're quick to give up.  If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.  It takes perserverance, patience and motivation to keep trying. 

  • Top Member

    You stated this perfectly George Pierce Believe it or not, failure is impossible, the secret is to try, and then, refuse to quit.  You are left with only one option which is success.

    Excellent post for those who choose to take the time and read. I recommend this highly. 

    • Top Commentor

      I believe it Terri.  "The secret is to try and refuse to quit", that's a great motivational quote. 

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