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Walking Or Running! Which is best?

Walking Or Running! Which is best?

by George Pierce


Hi All!

I am George Pierce, Founder Of Win At Losing Weight. The following is a rewritten version of an article that I posted earlier at my new Facebook Group, 'Women's Weight Loss Tips. I hope you enjoy the content below and I invite you to visit our group.


Walking Or Running! Which is best?

Walking burns roughly 8.7 calories for every min that you stroll (per the American Council on Workout). Running burns around 15.1 calories per min. Although running burns more calories, pedestrians can still melt as numerous calories as joggers with longer strolls.
Both workouts can aid you to drop weight, especially around your waistline. If you intend to eliminate persistent belly fat, walking or running are good options.

The jury is still out!???

Because running is a greater strength exercise, as well as a greater intensity workout, is shown to help you to shed more belly fat than reduced strength exercise, running is most likely to aid you to lose a lot more weight around your belly. (Med Sci Sports Exerc. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2009 Nov 1.
Released in final modified kind as:
Medication Sci Sports Exerc. 2008 Nov; 40( 11 ): 1863-- 1872.).



According to one study by Florie Maillard, Bruno Pereira & Nathalie Boisseau doi: 10.1249/ MSS.0 b013e3181801d40, a low-intensity workout was found to be a lot more efficient in decreasing stomach fat while high-intensity exercise aids to lose even more weight in general.

Furthermore, both exercises aid to lower your health and wellness threats of high blood pressure, high cholesterol degrees, coronary heart problem, as well as diabetic issues based upon a research study released in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Apoplexy, and Vascular Biology.



There is a concern with running that you need to be familiar with, running has a higher threat of injuries, such as shin splints, cracks, as well as soft cells injuries.

The GOOD NEWS is that whichever workout you choose, you are going to profit.

Thanks for reading. I invite you to join our group so you do not lose out on any type of posts.


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Running, Walking, Lose Belly Fat. Belly Fat, Visceral Fat,

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  • Top Commentor

    Throughout my walking life I found value in both walking and running. After it was no longer possible I was still able to keep the belly fat down by rolling a mile a day in a wheelchair. 

  • Top Member

    You packed a lot of information in this post George Pierce and I believe people will learn a lot from you. Good luck with your #Facebook group and continued success for you. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Thanks, Terri.  One of my first big online breakthroughs was a forum, FB Groups are very similar and with more potential. 

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