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Website Basics


Website Basics

HI ALL! I am George Pierce, this post is about a few website basics I do not see being shared or taught.  To keep this post short, let's talk about your TITLE, VISUAL effects, and links.   The following applies to a regular web page, it can apply to a sales page or a landing page, except for the links.

Your TITLE is so important.  Its job is to KEEP visitors on your page, which is not easy.  As you probably know, or will soon discover, visitors have a very limited attention span.  If you think about what is happening in their mind when they land on your page, they are sizing up your web page....sort of judging a book by its cover.  I did not say that was right (or wrong), but what it means to you and me is that we have to CONNECT with our visitor immediately.  


If your web page is built around a keyword phrase, as it should be, you want to include that phrase in your title and in the subtitle or first line of your text.  If your on-site SEO is working, your visitor has landed on your webpage because she or he typed the keyword or keyword phrase that your page was built around, into their search box.  Let's say you land on this page because you typed into your search box, the keyword phrase "Website Basics".  The first thing that you see is usually the title and the images and/or videos.  The title not only includes the Keyword Phrase, it IS the keyword phrase, which is often one of our best options.  The first line of text also includes the phase.  

This little tip can have huge benefits.  It works, try it.


Image and Videos

Choose images and/or videos that are going to enhance your content.  If you are not sure which images to choose, opt for faces or smiling faces.  We are automatically drawn to movement and faces.  GIFs, which are animated or moving images, have their place, but they may already have become overused.  Images of people, preferably faces, will never fail.  Again, your visitor is going to size up your page in a flash.  Images and videos will help to make your visitors want to stay.  It also adds to the 'perceived value' of your page.  If your page does not seem to have value...if your visitor does not perceive know what is going to happen!  They leave almost instantly.   Images and videos will help your presentation and your perceived value, and can even help your page to make that CONNECTION.


On a sales page, squeeze page, or landing page, your links should only go to one place.  That might be a product,  a purchase page, your affiliate, a bridge page, etc.  

On a regular webpage, links can go to other pages, other sites, squeeze pages, etc.  When a link goes to another site, even if it is your own site, make that link open in another window.  Your visitors may never return, so open it in another window.

Thank you for reading.

Much success,

George Pierce

PS.  For free affiliate marketing training, I invite you to visit my Clickbank Training

PPS.  This is a little bonus based on my personal opinion, and that bonus is to sprinkle in a little humor.  A little humor can add to your visitor's experience, which can increase your chances for returns and click-throughs.  


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  • Top Commentor

    You drive those keywords home George.  And that's a good thing it will stick in your mind.  I still love your sense of humor.

    • Top Video Contributor

      Generating traffic on the Internet, free or paid, is going to come down to keywords. That is why I build backward, and I do like to sprinkle in a little humor, thank you, Robin.  

  • Top Commentor

    There are some great tips in this article, George. Thank you for sharing. 


    • Top Video Contributor

      Traffic does not convert when the bounce rate is almost 100%, I believe we can all relate to that, thank you, John.  

    • Top Member

      The visitor(s) bounce on and leave because they don't have a reason to stay on your website. 

    • Top Video Contributor

      Exactly.  We need to give them one or more reasons to stay and make those reasons as obvious as possible, thank you, Terri.

  • Top Member

    This is very informative and beneficial on website building. Many people don't have the knowledge on this and it's definitely what they need to get them started in the right direction. 

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